Wow. it has been forever since I was here...April, 2012.
so much has changed since then. :) Good changes, definitely good changes.
I don't know where to begin.
Lists! Yay me! I will start with lists. lol
List #1 - things I NEED to blog about
a. Aerosmith concert/chicago trip...thats where I left off last time
b. my journey in becoming healthy and fit. Yep believe it or not, I finally got off of my ass! :) lost 30 lbs as of May 1, 2012 (and 42 since 3-1-11) and a bunch of inches too! :)
c. Vacation in the Outer Banks in July.
d. WORK blech! all hell has broken loose since February 14, 2012-a day that changed my entire work life as I knew it. *sigh* :'(
e. Winnings...oh heck why bother...couldn't even tell ya what I won, and my computer died (oh, add computer dying as "f" lol) so I haven't even been entering as much. no big wins recently.
g. my Knoebels trip with family/work picnic
h. where im going from here/struggles with "b"/progress/goals etc. (I just need to grow some balls and just post that shit already)
i. my new love for zumba
j. how I have become a coupon slacker (I read a "good deal" post that I wrote a while back, and I was impressed with myself).
k. I haven't really started xmas shopping!! *shock* lol
l. my baby is graduating HS this year ... bittersweet
m. my baby also broke his foot the first football game of his Sr. year. Probably will be out most of the season.
n. all the damn social networking...and connecting shit together and how confusing it all is. and how I have different friends everywhere on these sites and can't keep track anymore. lol
o. all my recent buckcherry shows (and a FREE one coming up)! and how I hung out in Baltimore all day and "met" them for the second time! woot!
p. pictures! holy crap, I'm behind on pictures.
q. to buy a house or not to buy a house...that is the question
r. friends...
s. relatives/reunion/me in charge! lol
t. clothes that used too small and now don't fit! :)
u. upcoming adventures/surprises (yes, I still hate surprises)
v. rock allegiance
so looks pretty much like I should have enough to write about for a while. maybe I should try this more every day! especially before bed. I love lists. :)
2 years ago
You lost all that weight?! That's amazing! I lose the same 5 pounds over and over and over and ...
yes I did. :) thanks!
I never want it back...not even 5 pounds of it!! lol
I truly believe its mind over matter!
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