Saturday, June 19, 2010

Toy Story 3-D

Yep! You guessed it!
We paid boocoo bucks to go to the theatre to see this movie.

Alex grew up with Toy Story. It was his favorite movie when it came out.
We watched it about a gazillion times...over and over and over to the point where I can quote the whole movie!
NOT kidding. : /
He would fight to watch that movie, then say "play it again!" when it was over.
Then the second one came out. He was a little older, so it wasn't so bad with that one. One of the best things about Toy Story is the adult humor in the movie. That's the only reason I haven't banned the damn thing. ;)

Anyways...Alex has passed along those videos to Vincent...who has since re-watched those same videos over and over again! (don't worry...they aren't gonna last much longer!) ;)

We decided to take both of the boys to see Toy Story 3-D. This was Vincent's first experience at the movie theatre and he was very well behaved.

I won't go into all the details prior to the movie (ya know, the part where I thought we weren't gonna make it...etc.) or my friend's wet butt on the ride there which almost made us even later (don't ask!)
We ended up not being late afterall, we got decent seats together, and It Was Awesome! :) I'm glad we went and spent boocoo bucks (well, not really that part! lol)

♪♫ you've got a friend in me, you've got a friend in me ♪♫ ;)
Yeah, uhm, that song has been stuck in my head since I watched it.

on an unrelated note, I made that my facebook status. LOL (my status's are usually silly or music related - that one is both)

My little rocker dude

check it out...

I tought him this! :)
His momma taught him to sing, "I love Rock and Roll" and I have that on video....
uhm, somewhere...
Haha! I'm so proud! \m/

bye bye baby...

yeah uhm, so since June 5th....

On June 9th, Tara graduated High School..

she is also complete moved out (another story...)

While we were at friend says "just think, in three more years we will be doing this again!"
I gave her an evil stare.
I don't wanna talk about it...

Later that night...
My friend mentions to Bob what she said to me,
meanwhile Alex says "yeah, just think Mom, next year I will be driving."
I stick my fingers in my ears and say "blah blah blah!"

But seriously...

Can u believe it? O_O
my baby is turnin 15 in a month and will be driving next year!
Holy crap!

time flies when you're having fun!


Saturday, June 5, 2010


Things have been so totally crazy at my house...for a while there, I was thinking we never would get a minute "alone". Meaning no company. Don't get me wrong, while I love my guests (ya know, I have the ole "help urself" attitude, "my casa ur casa" type deal) ;) but man...sometimes enough is enough. Go the hell home already! (haha just kidding! mostly!)

SO, while I am entertaining my guests (by sitting my ass on the couch and saying "get it ur damn self...u have been here for three days now!") I have no blogging time. Heck, I barely have bathroom time! the good news is that the guests are mostly gone now...and maybe we can get back to some kind of "normal" around here (and I use that term VERY loosely! lol) and back to blogging...uhm yeah, right after I get rid of this damn sunburn!! grrrrr!

Also, I have been thinking of changing things up around here and I'm even considering changing the name of the blog (now, don't all go abandon will take a while!) - these big bad changes will take place as soon as I have time to sit down and figure everything out that template crap and stuff. LOL Yeah, like I might be a while. My reasoning for this varies...and maybe someday I will go into it, then again, maybe not. I guess it is mostly about being "anonymous" - we will see...still contemplating. Just don't be alarmed when you see little changes here and there...over a period of time. Hopefully prior to Christmas! ;)

Okay then...well it was nice catching off to read about a gazillion blogs that I am behind on. Oh, and to dl photos and more music...sheesh, the rest of my night is doomed! lol

P.S. for those of you interested (like I need to say could you not be interested in one of the most important things in my life??!)...I GOT TICKETS! very expensive tickets...but nonetheless...WOOHOOOO for me!!! :) :)
3 A's Baby!!! 3 A's!!! Aerosmith+Atlantic City+August :) It's gonna be a LONNNG summer! ;)