Things have been so totally crazy at my house...for a while there, I was thinking we never would get a minute "alone". Meaning no company. Don't get me wrong, while I love my guests (ya know, I have the ole "help urself" attitude, "my casa ur casa" type deal) ;) but man...sometimes enough is enough. Go the hell home already! (haha just kidding! mostly!)
SO, while I am entertaining my guests (by sitting my ass on the couch and saying "get it ur damn self...u have been here for three days now!") I have no blogging time. Heck, I barely have bathroom time! the good news is that the guests are mostly gone now...and maybe we can get back to some kind of "normal" around here (and I use that term VERY loosely! lol) and back to blogging...uhm yeah, right after I get rid of this damn sunburn!! grrrrr!
Also, I have been thinking of changing things up around here and I'm even considering changing the name of the blog (now, don't all go abandon will take a while!) - these big bad changes will take place as soon as I have time to sit down and figure everything out that template crap and stuff. LOL Yeah, like I might be a while. My reasoning for this varies...and maybe someday I will go into it, then again, maybe not. I guess it is mostly about being "anonymous" - we will see...still contemplating. Just don't be alarmed when you see little changes here and there...over a period of time. Hopefully prior to Christmas! ;)
Okay then...well it was nice catching off to read about a gazillion blogs that I am behind on. Oh, and to dl photos and more music...sheesh, the rest of my night is doomed! lol
P.S. for those of you interested (like I need to say could you not be interested in one of the most important things in my life??!)...I GOT TICKETS! very expensive tickets...but nonetheless...WOOHOOOO for me!!! :) :)
3 A's Baby!!! 3 A's!!! Aerosmith+Atlantic City+August :) It's gonna be a LONNNG summer! ;)
2 years ago
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