Yep! You guessed it!
We paid boocoo bucks to go to the theatre to see this movie.
Alex grew up with Toy Story. It was his favorite movie when it came out.
We watched it about a gazillion times...over and over and over to the point where I can quote the whole movie!
NOT kidding. : /
He would fight to watch that movie, then say "play it again!" when it was over.
Then the second one came out. He was a little older, so it wasn't so bad with that one. One of the best things about Toy Story is the adult humor in the movie. That's the only reason I haven't banned the damn thing. ;)
Anyways...Alex has passed along those videos to Vincent...who has since re-watched those same videos over and over again! (don't worry...they aren't gonna last much longer!) ;)
We decided to take both of the boys to see Toy Story 3-D. This was Vincent's first experience at the movie theatre and he was very well behaved.
I won't go into all the details prior to the movie (ya know, the part where I thought we weren't gonna make it...etc.) or my friend's wet butt on the ride there which almost made us even later (don't ask!)
We ended up not being late afterall, we got decent seats together, and It Was Awesome! :) I'm glad we went and spent boocoo bucks (well, not really that part! lol)
♪♫ you've got a friend in me, you've got a friend in me ♪♫ ;)
Yeah, uhm, that song has been stuck in my head since I watched it.
on an unrelated note, I made that my facebook status. LOL (my status's are usually silly or music related - that one is both)
2 years ago
Toy Story has always been my fave! Gonna watch it tomorrow with the kiddos.....they wanted to take me for my Bday :)
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