Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I Rocked Rite Aid! :)

You are never going to believe what I paid for all this stuff!

Kelloggs, Glade, Schick, Crest, Nivea, Clorox, and Pledge oh my!

I bet you couldn't even guess the value, or the cost!
I was pretty excited about this deal...it was a great deal to end a really crappy day! :)
There is $115 worth of stuff here, and I paid only $9 out of my pocket!!!
SCORE! :) :)

Major score because all the Toy Story 3 stuff was on sale for 75% off (school stuff is too! but I don't need any of that!) I stocked up on the TS3 stuff for Vincent for his birthday/xmas in December! :) There is actually $56 of TS3 stuff there! (retail, it was about $15 on clearance)
I think that is an amazing deal...and I'm pretty sure he will too! Even though he's only going to be 4! lol
All my stuff would have probably been free or close to free if it weren't for this clearance stuff. but even at clearance price, I paid less than $15... and that does not even include all the other stuff!

I need to go check out the sale items at the store by work tomorrow...just to see if I can "score" something different or better! lol

Yeah, I rocked rite aid!! ;)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Aerosmith Part 2

These are not my videos, but I put the links here, because they sort of explains the anticipation...at the start of the show.

This was my view...this girl was right next to me...I was to her left :)

Watch this one closely! see me in my nice new self-upgraded catwalk spot! ;) Woohoo!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vM5LBRkw4Rk
Search youtube for more great videos...I just searched Aerosmith 8/28/10 Atlantic City...and I got tons...some better than others and the two links above are two of my favorites. Thanks for sharing whoever you are! :)

Honestly, I don't even think I remember "it's gettin hot in here" playin from the show...I watched the vids and thought to myself...either I was that excited to see the show from my new spot or Im just getting old...either way, Im thankful that there is video to remind me of what happened. It was so much fun! (i might have mentioned that?)

Yes, that was the beginning of an amazing show...to top off an amazing night. :)

How could it not be amazing with this in your face?? :D haha!
oooh la la! ;)

this guy wanted the same pic as me! lol

guitar hero joe!



Joey...it's hard to get a good shot of the drummer!
I almost had one of his drumsticks too, but the security guard gave it to another girl..I presume she was cuter than me...hey, I can't win with the looks every time! lol ;)

This was the Setlist:
  • Back in the Saddle
  • Train kept a rollin
  • No More No More
  • Love in an Elevator
  • Falling in love (is hard on the knees)
  • Livin' on the Edge
  • What It Takes
  • Pink
  • Last Child
  • Cryin'
  • Drum Solo
  • Rag Doll
  • guitar hero Joe
  • Stop Messin'
  • I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing
  • Come Together
  • Sweet Emotion
  • Draw the Line
  • Dream On
  • Walk this Way

The band rocked! they were definitely on fire! I loved every single second! :) and my new friend Bill was impressed too (as I assured him he would be)!
It is a sad time when the lights go back up because with Aerosmith...they transform you into their world...and it is an awesome place to be...and you don't really want it to end (in my opinion)
but I did manage to capture this shot at the end...I am not sure what Joe Perry was thinking...but whatever! ;)

I'm praying this was not my last show...but in the same sense, I'm just thankful that I got to see them again (after 2 0r 3 cancellations from past tours) even if it was the last time...at least they kicked my ass into next week! :)
I wanna do it again for sure!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Aerosmith 8/28/10

I wanted to write about this while it was fresh in my mind...ya know, like the day after the concert...but of course I didn't...so the details may be a little fuzzy! but I figure a month after the concert wont be so bad in about 40 years from now...right? ;)

Here's the re-cap.

After a three hour drive from our house to Atlantic City...and a bunch of weeks of anticipation...it was finally time!! we were here!! Paid $20 freaking dollars to park at the Trump! and when I tried to take a picture, Hubs looked at me funny, like I was a nut! Hey, ya never know when it's gonna be ur last pic...is what I always say! ;) so it gets blurry, and he's impatient...i give up. I had a chance a at much better shot from the street!

the building next to it is Boardwalk Hall, where the Aerosmith show was...but we were headed to the Trump to see Draw the Line. It was like two for one, Draw the Line is an Aerosmith Tribute band. I actually saw them before for free. And this show was free too. :) the excitement is building...

We showed up around two-ish...and I texted a couple of my friends... another great thing about this night (like what could be great than seeing an Aerosmith Tribute band and then AEROSMITH??) is that A LOT of my friends were going to be here!! It was going to be great!
None of our friends were ready...or around yet...and DTL hadn't shown up yet. I thought the show was supposed to start at 3 at the Trump Beach Bar. we were way early! lol We get to this place, and I immediately feel overdressed in jeans and an Aerosmith t-shirt (yeah, like I have to mention this shirt is BLACK!)

Heck, the waitresses were serving in bathing suits! lol Oh well, sux to be me at 3pm in the afternoon, by the beach in the 90 degree sun...but Im still not complaining!! :) We tried to find seats, but the place was packed...after walking around like 2 times, Hubs decides it's time for a drink. We find a spot (a tiny little hole...lol) by the bar and FINALLY order some drinks. yeah, there goes another twenty...but whose counting?? : / I got a frozen strawberry margarita...it tasted pretty good, in that heat! :) So we walk around like two more times and think we finally spotted a table...walk up to it, the waitress says "you can't sit there, that is reserved...these guys are having a bachelor party" I looked over at the 6 or so guys standing there around ONE table full of empty beer bottles ;) and I either looked really pathetic or really cute (haha) but the one guy looked back and said "no, no, let them sit there! they can sit here!" I said "r u sure?" he said "sure!!" after all, it was just two of us, and they weren't using the table anyways. :) I found out later that they were in town for their bachelor party and for the concert! (now that is def the way to celebrate your last night of freedom!) haha Yay! we have a seat!! right to the left of the stage! :) Damn..that was luck. seemed to be on my side this night! So we ordered some food and hung out.

People watching is kind of fun when your bored (or bein dorks, lol)...and this nice lady comes over and strikes up a conversation about Aerosmith. We hit it off right away and chatted it up...her and her friends found some chairs and sat down.

"Vicki" told me her friend was friends with DTL and they said the band is stuck in traffic. They were late. Oh well...our friends are starting to show up. Plenty of drinks to go around.

John & Joan show up.
(and Trish & Scott - not shown)
Then Linda, Rosie, and Sue show up (my first time meeting Rosie and Sue).
Finally Aimee and her friends show up.

This is getting to be so much fun..saying "hi" and chatting. I saw BethAnn, Lauren, and Lindsey, Kris, Kim, Barb and her daughter, and all these new people!!

the band shows up next! Party is about to begin, but some folks have to head out because they are going to the Aero-prepartys! lucky ducks! :) We had our own pre-party going on though...and the fun is just beginning!! :)

DTL sounded great. We had so much fun. We even got pix with them between sets. I will have to see if I can find the setlist that DTL played that night. Hubs wanted to head over to see Sammy Hagar, but I really wasn't interested...I wanted to hang with the DTL crew! and my friends.
We did end up leaving and making it over to the show for the last two Sammy Hagar songs...I stopped with some friends by the merchandise shop and am VERY proud to say I didn't buy a thing! bob ended up spending $5 for some stickers...against my better judgement...but he gave them to me, so how could I be too mad!

Finally we get inside...I realized where my seats were and I was disappointed. :( We are on the floor, but we are way in the back section of the floor...the stage isn't even close! :(
I say to Bob..."this isn't gonna work for me..."
He just looks at me ... like yeah what r u gonna do about it. We hang there for the last two songs of Sammy, and when the lights come up...we search for friends. Head down the aisle..there we see John and Joan like 3 rows back from the catwalk!! :) stop to chat with them again, till we get kicked out...about 5 mins later...the people come for their seats. We could have gave up and went back to our seats, but I said, "let's just wander down here and see if we see anyone we know" ;) we head down...we r right next to the catwalk and what do you know...it is is an empty row? WHAT? I told bob to act like he belonged there, cuz he was getting all paranoid that security was checking tix in the front. We were hangin out in like row 10...some friends stop by to chat...we hang, then "Bill" shows up.
Bill is my new Aero-friend who had the last seat in our row (the next seat was unclaimed). He asked us if these were our seats, and I had to confess and told him the truth. LOL he seemed cool enough, and boy was I right... HE WAS. He kindly told us if security didnt say anything, we could stay there. :) He didn't mind, after all his ticket was FREE!!! O_O I told him of my ticket dilemma, and he asked me if I was a big fan...I showed him my tattoo and he eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head. He agreed that I was a big fan, and agreed to let me stay in that row!! YAY!!! :) :) :) This was his first show! Of course I bragged up my boys and assured him he wouldn't be disappointed. Here was another new friend, a kind generous man, who couldn't have been nicer to two strangers (you don't find many folks like this guy! unless you're at an Aero show!!) ;) So I was happy with my "self-upgrade" on the catwalk...this works for me!!! so much better! :D

The show is about to begin. the curtain is up! about ready to fall...my band is about to rock my world (do ya feel the anticipation??!! lol) Next thing ya know the guy on the inside of our row looks over and asks if these were our seats...so this time, I lied and I said "yeah why?" (they kinda were mine now LOL) he said "just wondering...Hi, Im Ian!" Hey, I know this guy...his name keeps coming up on my facebook page saying we have lots of friends in common! So I tell him this...we laugh, yes it's him. He told me to fb friend request him. So cool...one more cool friend to add to the list. :) this is turning out to be quite a night, and the band didn't even start yet!! :) but I am sooooo ready. . .

to be continued...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

big plans

yeah so I had some big plans for this blog...I was gonna spice it up a little, give it a new name, share it, write about something useful (hahaha)...okay, that was stretching it. i tried! lol
and after all these big plans are going through my head for months...what do I do? I IGNORE IT!!
for over a month!!!

I have so much to write about...so much to keep track of...so much exciting stuff...AND so many excuses! Mostly, too busy.
Summer is finally winding down though and as soon as I figure out a good blog name, that fits me and ISN'T taken...
I might eventually do something...
but like most goals in my life...
don't count on it! LOL

Monday, August 2, 2010


and lots of it! :)

Sobe Lifewater is on sale this week at CVS, Buy 1 Get 1 Free and with the Sobe heads or tails sweepstakes, that you can enter every day online (go to sobe.com) that makes 2 Free Sobe's! and guess what...CVS has no limit on how many you can get, so I got ... uhm, 36! Yep, 1 1/2 cases of Sobe water. Free!

I have been playing the Sobe game daily, pretty much...and pretty much every time I play...I win 2 B1G1 coupons. So the coupons have been piling up, even though I used a few when the Sobes were on sale last week for .77cents (which equals about .38 each...and I thought THAT was a good deal!), I still had a ton of them.

So yesterday, I went to my local CVS (used 6 coupons) and got 12 free Sobes. I got the good deal on the Gilette Power Fusions too *hello xmas presents* ;) then I took advantage of the blistex clearance sales too (75% off). I spent $6.80 for 2 Gilettes, 4 Blistex and 12 Sobes (and i won't mention the four candy bars I used as fillers).

Today, I went to the CVS in Hbg (walking distance from my work) looking for the Free Dawn deal since my CVS didn't have them...well, guess what? I found it, along with 14 more sobes (7 coupons), in different flavors!! :) I go to register and get 14 sobes and dawn dish washing liquid for FREE! Completely Free...no Extra Care Bucks, no nothing...just free (and I have a witness! lol) Boy were they heavy...

(sorry for the blur, but the receipt does say $0.00)
all those oooo's can be put to good use = :)

Well, this was going pretty good and I STILL have tons of Sobe coupons left. I figured since there is no limit on the deal, and all my coupons are "prizes", why shouldn't I go back for more free sobes? Alex loves them and it saves me from buying Gatorade and/or water from the convenience store for football practices...
so I went again.
Went to a different CVS (Eville) this time i got 12 sobes (6 more coupons), bottle of Dawn (only cuz another coupon was sitting in my mailbox when I got home, HA!), and 3 Johnson and Johnson "to go" first aid kits (used $3 off 3 J&J coupon) and two of Colgate Toothpastes and a Dog brush (these I paid cash out of pocket $10 and got back $5 extra care bucks and Alex bought the dog brush with his own $$)...

WOW! Let's summarize...just the FREE stuff from 3 different CVS's
36 FREE Sobe Lifewaters (and I still have like 5 coupons left, to use!)
2 FREE Bottles Dawn Dishwashing Liquids
3 FREE J&J First Aid "to go" Kits

Cheap stuff
2 Gilette Power Fusion Razors ($7, 3.50 each)
4 Blistex (clearance, prolly $2 total)
2 Colgate Toothpastes (.50cents each)
2 Dove Choc Bars (.25 cents each)
2 M&M's (peanut yummy!) (.25 cents each)

Total Out of Pocket = $12
Total ECBs (that I left with...) = $5!!

Did I ever mention that I LOVE CVS???? :) :) :)
and we're going to love Sobe too!! haha
The best things in life...are FREE! :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

25 (more) Random things

Well, lucky you...you get to read my silly "random things" list.
While on vacation...I noticed some odd things about people, their habits, and about myself. So I figured I would do another random things about me list, about things that some might not normally know about me...believe me, you might not wanna know! But here goes anyways. lol

1. I polish my nails and 99% of the time, I have it "picked" off in less than 24 hours.
2. I am pissed that I got sunburned on the leg that has my tattoo. This is the first time in 5 years (since I got it) that I have been burned there.
3. I am paranoid that the color in my tattoo is going to fade because of #2!
4. I am ready for my next tattoo. My bff and I have decided that this November (our b-days) we are getting another one. :)
5. I think it sucks that my birthday is AFTER the next Buckcherry concert.
6. I think it sucks that I was the 4th caller to win FREE tickets to a Buckcherry concert and I needed to be caller 15! UGH!
7. I hate flies...they are disgusting!
8. I am a germ-o-phobe, but apparently not as bad as my bff! lol
9. Some people just shouldn't wear bikinis! O_O
10. Yucky things to look at sure do outnumber hot guys on the beach! haha
11. Sand sucks! Especially in the hair!
12. I sunburn no matter what...I can coat myself in sunscreen 24/7, and it will NOT matter!
13. As usual, I look horrible in my vacation pix! (I look worse in my bathing suit!)
14. I need to remind myself that only I can change #13...Only if I stop slacking on my workouts (this is a new goal...)
15. Dammit, I want to avoid goals!
16. I want to be irresponsible for one day...just one day! ;)
17. Obviously, I need a life! lol
18. I found a new pair of sunglasses at the beach, and it didn't take two hours...I saw, I liked, I bought! It was amazing (just ask my guys! lol)
19. I made a mistake in my checkbook (not that this is news, lol - here is the news...) it was in MY FAVOR! woot! wish I had known before we came home! Oh well. lol
20. I refuse to pay full price to go to Hersheypark...and I saved 15% on our meal there too!
21. I did pay full price for fudge at Hersheypark...I love it!
22. The boys ate most of my fudge that I paid FULL PRICE for...you should know what that means. (if u don't, I will give you a small clue mom+no expensive fudge=RAMPAGE!)
23. I can hardly wait for the new CVS and RiteAid fliers, by the time Saturday PM gets here, I am almost in "withdraw"stage. haha
24. Another thing I am withdrawing from is those damn McDonald's Mochas. WTF?
25. I don't need another addiction...I need more blog time. Is that an oxymoron? ;)

Where have I been?

I am so busy, I have no time for my blog (shocker, I know)...but I need to make a list (of things to blog about) cuz I will forget, and now that most of my vacations are over...I might just have some time to kill. Maybe. That is the hope anyways. lol
1. Thunder in the Valley (june 26)
2. 4th of July (july 4, duh!)
3. Alex's Birthday (july 20)
4. Hersheypark (july 19)
5. Beach vacation (july 21)
6. good deals (there have been quite a few...I'm a slacker) :/
7. the upcoming family reunion
8. the upcoming Aerosmith show
9. all the other concerts I wanna go to
10. blog names (that are all taken!)
11. my new random list...

I think I will start with number 11 and work my way back (it is so much more fun that way) ;)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Toy Story 3-D

Yep! You guessed it!
We paid boocoo bucks to go to the theatre to see this movie.

Alex grew up with Toy Story. It was his favorite movie when it came out.
We watched it about a gazillion times...over and over and over to the point where I can quote the whole movie!
NOT kidding. : /
He would fight to watch that movie, then say "play it again!" when it was over.
Then the second one came out. He was a little older, so it wasn't so bad with that one. One of the best things about Toy Story is the adult humor in the movie. That's the only reason I haven't banned the damn thing. ;)

Anyways...Alex has passed along those videos to Vincent...who has since re-watched those same videos over and over again! (don't worry...they aren't gonna last much longer!) ;)

We decided to take both of the boys to see Toy Story 3-D. This was Vincent's first experience at the movie theatre and he was very well behaved.

I won't go into all the details prior to the movie (ya know, the part where I thought we weren't gonna make it...etc.) or my friend's wet butt on the ride there which almost made us even later (don't ask!)
We ended up not being late afterall, we got decent seats together, and It Was Awesome! :) I'm glad we went and spent boocoo bucks (well, not really that part! lol)

♪♫ you've got a friend in me, you've got a friend in me ♪♫ ;)
Yeah, uhm, that song has been stuck in my head since I watched it.

on an unrelated note, I made that my facebook status. LOL (my status's are usually silly or music related - that one is both)

My little rocker dude

check it out...

I tought him this! :)
His momma taught him to sing, "I love Rock and Roll" and I have that on video....
uhm, somewhere...
Haha! I'm so proud! \m/

bye bye baby...

yeah uhm, so since June 5th....

On June 9th, Tara graduated High School..

she is also complete moved out (another story...)

While we were at graduation...my friend says "just think, in three more years we will be doing this again!"
I gave her an evil stare.
I don't wanna talk about it...

Later that night...
My friend mentions to Bob what she said to me,
meanwhile Alex says "yeah, just think Mom, next year I will be driving."
I stick my fingers in my ears and say "blah blah blah!"

But seriously...

Can u believe it? O_O
my baby is turnin 15 in a month and will be driving next year!
Holy crap!

time flies when you're having fun!


Saturday, June 5, 2010


Things have been so totally crazy at my house...for a while there, I was thinking we never would get a minute "alone". Meaning no company. Don't get me wrong, while I love my guests (ya know, I have the ole "help urself" attitude, "my casa ur casa" type deal) ;) but man...sometimes enough is enough. Go the hell home already! (haha just kidding! mostly!)

SO, while I am entertaining my guests (by sitting my ass on the couch and saying "get it ur damn self...u have been here for three days now!") I have no blogging time. Heck, I barely have bathroom time! the good news is that the guests are mostly gone now...and maybe we can get back to some kind of "normal" around here (and I use that term VERY loosely! lol) and back to blogging...uhm yeah, right after I get rid of this damn sunburn!! grrrrr!

Also, I have been thinking of changing things up around here and I'm even considering changing the name of the blog (now, don't all go abandon me...it will take a while!) - these big bad changes will take place as soon as I have time to sit down and figure everything out again...like that template crap and stuff. LOL Yeah, like I said...it might be a while. My reasoning for this varies...and maybe someday I will go into it, then again, maybe not. I guess it is mostly about being "anonymous" - we will see...still contemplating. Just don't be alarmed when you see little changes here and there...over a period of time. Hopefully prior to Christmas! ;)

Okay then...well it was nice catching up....now off to read about a gazillion blogs that I am behind on. Oh, and to dl photos and more music...sheesh, the rest of my night is doomed! lol

P.S. for those of you interested (like I need to say that....how could you not be interested in one of the most important things in my life??!)...I GOT TICKETS! very expensive tickets...but nonetheless...WOOHOOOO for me!!! :) :)
3 A's Baby!!! 3 A's!!! Aerosmith+Atlantic City+August :) It's gonna be a LONNNG summer! ;)

Friday, May 28, 2010

TOUR dates!!!!! woohoo!

First, let me just say that seeing that last title "my exciting life" up there (for over two weeks) is just hilariously funny...cuz there is always some type of excitement around here!! Some good, some not so good. "Excitement" definitely is not the word I would use to describe my life in the past two weeks...but I wanna save all that for another day. This is a happy post! :)

I came here for a reason! Nope, not venting frustration this time around...I am venting some REAL excitement...as a matter of fact this is the most exciting news I have heard all year, so far! No, I didn't win the lottery dammit! sorry to say, but that REALLY would be the only thing more exciting than this....
Did ya figure it out yet???


And now for the tough part...picking and choosing where I wanna go, which friends I want to visit/meet up with, and how much $$ I can afford...
who the hell am I kidding...it ALL boils down to what I can afford - and believe me when I say, NOT MUCH! *SIGH*
But we have to make the best of what we got dealt...so I have to decide. :S
I don't know what to do...nothing is close. There are 4 shows, that are possibilities, but every one is over 3 1/2 hours away!! That means more $$ (yes, I know it is a vicious cycle - UGH!)

Here's hoping hubby wants to be nice, and loves me lotta much, and wants to spring for me to meet the band for our anniversary.
LOL I know, that was pretty funny huh? Joke of the day, acutally! I don't even know if hubby knows it is our 10th year of wedded bliss (HA!) or the date...let alone have a mere $1300+ just lying around, that he wants to spend on ME so I can meet my favorite band in the whole entire world...

Hmm, I sure do know how to kill a dream, don't I? LOL
Not complaining...good things happen to good people and Im a good person...
well, cept that one time at band camp ... NEVERMIND!
Seriously, I was only kidding! I have never been to band camp!!
*crosses fingers behinnd back* and I have never been BAD! ;)

...to be continued!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Exciting Life (bucket list)

I thought this was pretty cool when I saw Claudia post it at http://imisspoppy.blogspot.com/2010/05/just-for-fun.html so I figured I would give it a try...with some extra notes (in color) OF COURSE! ;)
I am 35% interesting...in other words BORING!!! :)
After you read mine, copy it (delete MY silly comments in blue), bold the ones YOU did, and let me know how exciting you are! ;)

1. Started your own blog (you're here aren't you? and look at that, Here I Am!)
2. Slept under the stars (you just have to try it! at least once!)
3. Played in a band (not unless you count guitar here, which I totally suck at! lol)
4. Visited Hawaii (I wish....someday I will though.)
5. Watched a meteor shower (I'm not sure, lol - I guess I would know it if I did)
6. Given more than you can afford to charity (maybe Once...I'm being honest!)
7. Been to Disneyland/world (only once, without the kids...but want to take them!)
8. Climbed a mountain (yeah, and about died when I got to the top! lol)
9. Held a praying mantis (oh HELL NO!)
10. Sang/played a solo (be thankful for this...be VERY thankful!) ;)
11. Bungee jumped (Not yet...but I soooooooo WANNA!)
12. Visited Paris (I really need to get out of the country more...well, let's make that my town! lol)
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea (you probably need to have been "at sea" for this one!)
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch (Ha! Think R Rated "art" LMAO!)
15. Adopted a child (have enough of my own...but kudos to those that do this!)
16. Had food poisoning (again, not sure, but think I would have known)
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty (Not yet...)
18. Grown your own vegetables (not this year...I said F*ck it! lol)
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France (damn, there is a lot to see in France.)
20. Slept on an overnight train (hmm, I've actually never been on a train.)
21. Had a pillow fight (Love love love pillow fights!) ;)
22. Hitch hiked (don't worry...not in the habit of doing this!)
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill (these are the BEST days off!) :)
24. Built a snow fort (it has been a while)
25. Held a lamb (WTF?)
26.Bathed in a river (uhm, NO! I'll take my bathtub/shower tyvm!)
27. Run a Marathon (see top of the mountain comment!)
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice (crap, now I need to go to Venice too?)
29. Seen a total eclipse (heard the song...and came close once...but we were told NOT to look!)
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset (yeah baby, both! prefer the latter though!)
31. Hit a home run (LOL)
32. Been on a cruise (not yet...)
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person (yay, I did get out of my town once!) :)
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors (nah, not really interested - I know, shame on me!)
35. Seen an Amish community (do my neighbors count as "community"? I hope so!)
36. Taught yourself a new language (I better do this before france...and txting abbreviations should count as a "new" language...)
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied (TRULY satisfied? with $$? not gonna happen)
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing (again I say, HELL NO!)
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David in person (Who? LOL j/k!)
41. Sung karaoke (oh brother, it was not pretty! see solo comment above! lol)
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt (off to google search this one, haha)
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant (shit, I'm lucky if I can afford myself a meal at a restaurant!)
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight (with my entire family...it was great!) :D
46. Been transported in an ambulance (not me, but I rode with my son once) :(
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing (No thanks...I don't want to do ANY kind of fishing!)
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris (ANOTHER paris/france thing?)
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling (I like land, thanks.)
52. Kissed in the rain (along with a few other things!) ;)
53. Played in the mud (this is SOOOO much fun! especially with a KID!)
54. Gone to a drive-in theater (2 flicks and CHEAP! Hell yes!!)
55. Been in a movie (not that I know of...and if you know that I was, can ya let me in on it?) :)
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class (No, but I know Judo! that is for my friend Chrystal!) haha
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen (damn, I should be ashamed of myself!)
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies (more than my fair share...& I was NEVER a GS!)
62. Gone whale watching (I could be rude here, but I won't. LOL)
63. Gotten flowers for no reason (buy them for myself cuz I deserver them!) ;)
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma (more ashamed!!)
65. Gone sky diving (not yet...but on the list! can't wait!)
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp (don't think I was born yet...but my dates could be off?)
67. Bounced a check (hmm, maybe once, but def not on purpose.)
68. Flown in a helicopter (No, but I REALLY want to!)
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy (yeah, and still buying them...damn dolls!)
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial (I bet Lincoln sits here lol)
71. Eaten caviar (SO GROSS...reminded me of SALT-that's it!)
72. Pieced a quilt (I think u need talent for this one! Did I mention I have NONE)
73. Stood in Times Square (would love to do this on NYE!)
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job (aw damn...now the secrets are coming out!) *shines halo* haha
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London (are they hot?) ;)
77. Broken a bone (too freaking many!)
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car (a bottom of the line tercel in 99)
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper (5th grade cuz I was vewy smawt!) :)
85. Read the entire Bible (never from front to back...)
86. Visited the White House (No but I work at the Capitol - in Hbg) LOL
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating (ewwwwwwww)
88. Had chickenpox (exciting stuff!)
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous (just met Jerry of Papa Roach last month! Woot!)
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one (RIP memmy) :(
94. Made a baby (It was an accident, I swear!)
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake (I wonder if it tastes like caviar? haha)
97. Been involved in a law suit (yeah, more than my fair share...and none relating to me personally!)
98. Owned a cell phone (who doesn't in this day and age?)
99. Been stung by a bee (more than once...once on my eyelid! Yikes!)
100. Built a house out of mud! (shit, I'm good, but not THAT good!)
Your turn. Go!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Profit @ CVS :)

I went into CVS yesterday (5/8/10) with $1 extra care bucks (ecb)

and they paid me .34 cents to take all this stuff! :)

Check it out...

Transaction #1
Colgate Toothpaste = 2.99
used $1 off Colgate coupon
used $1 ECB
Cash, Out of pocket (oop) = .99
ECBs printed=$2

Transaction #2
Listerine Mouthwash = 3.99 (I found a bonus size bottle @ the price of the reg size)
used $1 off LM coupon
used $2 ECB from Transaction #1
oop = 1.05
ECB's printed = $2

Transaction #3
4 Nivea Body Washes w/2 Free trial size lotions (2 men, 2 women) = 4.88 ea = 19.52
used 2 $4 off Niv. women's coupon
used 2 $3 off Niv. mens coupons (lucky for me, I found one of these in store)
used $2 off any body wash purchase printed from CRT machine ( in store )
used $2 ECB from Transaction #2
oop= 1.62
ECBs printed = $5

Total Trip today: OOP = $3.66
had $1 ECB when I went in
left with $5 ECBs :D
I would say even with out the ECB's, $3.66 for the 6 items above is a great deal!
WIN! :)

The new sale started today (5/9/10) so I just had to go in and get my free stuff...afterall, I was walking in with $5 ECBs!
I planned on getting the free tampons and the Right Guard Deodorant on sale for .49 cents
As I was walking out...I noticed the laundry detergent was on sale, but I did not see it advertised...I HAD to buy laundry detergent cuz we were completely out (and i sorta freaked cuz I had to buy it when it wasn't on sale...or so I thought).

so here is how I got laundry detergent, 2 mens right guard deodorants and a box of tampons for $2.07 ...
Transaction #1
2 Right Guard at 2.49 ea = $4.98
1 box kotex U tampons = 4.99
Total 9.97
used $1 off kotex coupon
used $3 off 2 right guard coupons
used $5 ecb from yesterday
total oop = $1.01
ECBs printed = 8.99 :)

Transaction #2
All laundry detergent = 9.99
used 8.99 Ecbs from above
total oop = 1.06
Ecbs printed = $2
So not as great as yesterday, but again, those 4 items for $2.07, I'll take it! ;)


Okay so I'm a sucker...

how could you not be with a face like this?

or even better...one like this...

well, she still needs a haircut

but I think she's already found her bff! :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Decisions, decisions...

Enquiring minds want to know...
should we get the dog or should I just say NO?

I don't know what to do. I hate tough (potential life altering) decisions. *sigh*

AND it is all up to me now.
Everyone else wants the dog.
Am I the only one thinking clearly?
Am I the only sane one left in this household? HELLO?
like we need another pet. So far, we have two turtles, a bunch of fish, 5 chickens and two fucking ducks (pardon the french there, but DUCKS were never even supposed to be an option...but "they were so cute!") OMG! they aren't still "so cute" when they grow the hell up... they just poop EVERYWHERE and I have to step in the crap, literally! Quack quack waddle waddle...PITA!!!

There are pros and cons to the doggie decision...
Number One Pro is how happy my kid will be if I say "yes" - he is totally in love with this dog (but in my defense, he loves every single dog he sees). This is the reason I am even considering it...his older brother (who does not live with us) just got a new dog and I see how excited he gets about it...and how sad he seems without a dog (since our dog died a little over a year ago). Since he is the last kid left (after the other one graduates this year), he will need a "pal" (that is me talking myself into it, ya know...to please my kid!) *sigh*

This dog just kind of "fell" into our laps. (don't say it is destiny or any crap like that, PLEASE!) She is a five year old springer spaniel, and she is fixed (def plus!). She came from a home of two old people (who both died, wife just recently) and as the years went on, they couldn't care for her, so they put her outside. She really loves attention (which she hasn't been getting) and seems like a good dog. We actually took her for a long walk today to see how she "acted." She is an active dog, who def did not get the exercise she needs (for this type of breed). She was going to be put to sleep, so the neighbor lady is trying to find her a home before this happens. Alex wants to "save" her so bad. I really want him to save her BUT....(that damn word again!)

There are cons too. Lots of cons.
Do I even need to explain any of these??? lol
First, it's a dog! might as well take on another kid! I will have to buy food and pay vet bills, and she def needs groomed. She needs shots too. Alex has offered to help pay for all of this, but he is a 14 (almost 15) yr old kid who has no job...so guess who pays? He will really try to help, but the overall financial responsibility will be mine.
Next con, she is a hunting dog and Alex has chickens. Can you say lunch? haha
...you get the point (wish I did!)

I don't know...I keep going back and forth, back and forth. I think I am going to let him give it a shot on a trial basis for like 90 days. A contract of sorts...listing what he has to do to keep her, and if these things aren't done, then we will have to put her down (like the original Owner was going to do) - which I can't see me or hubs doing...but as long as the threat is there, Alex will take care of her...

I hope.
Another BIG *sigh*
looks like I might be giving in on this one...
On a good note, that means I'm not the mean mom.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Papa Roach Rocked!! :D

Okay....this is a long one, but it is really good!! :)

I had never been to the Chameleon Club before...so I wasn't sure what it was going to be like. Due to lacking a real GPS, my navigator (also known as bff) was reading directions off the paper and tells me to turn right...down this tiny little alley called "Water Street." We see the line, and this little tiny building with a crickety old sign (that u can barely read cuz the letters are falling off -I am so mad I didn't get a picture of that, so u believe me!) that said "Chameleon Club" and just as I notice that is the place, I drive PAST the parking garage.
My heart dropped a little, cuz there were already like 20-30 people in line. It was only 4:15! We hadn't eaten yet, and decided to buy subs at Subway and eat them while we were in line (haha, that is my experience talking! lol) We are driving up the street in no man's land, looking for a Subway, in a city where the "blocks" are actually triangles, and the "one way" streets really only go, uhm, one way? WTF?

We find a Subway right along side the street. (pure luck, I should have played the lottery this day I tell ya!) ;) I parked illegally and ran in to get subs. I swear, the slowest girl EVER worked at this Subway...and that IS NOT an exaggeration just because I was in a hurry, I promise! Not to mention, a lady who couldn't speak English was in front of me, therefore, Miss slowest girl ever is trying to understand Ms. Foreign Language...and it was not working out so good, UNTIL they figured out the "point at the veggies u want" system. SHEESH!!

Well forever later...I finally got the subs and it was back to the triangles.
We just had to get back to where we started...easy right?
Yeah, sure, right! : /

Not so easy when you are dealing with one way triangles!! Finally, we got back to Water Street, actually made the garage entrance this time...$5 to park - pay BEFORE you enter. Oh man. Neither of us have a $5. I have $4 in ones, and bff has another one.
Whew. That was close.
Next, we back traffic up on water street for two miles as I try to feed the dumb machine crinkled up ones...it kept spitting them back out at me...but only cuz I was in a hurry to get in line! DAMN! Well at least we got to park on the first level, on the side that the line was on. Stupid ass $ machines...how dare they hold us up?? lol

We walk up and some chick says, "Are you here for the concert?"
We were like "yeah" uhm, duh! and then
she said "the line is down there" as she points toward canopy.
She was in the front. the canopy, that looked like it was from the 1920's was NOT the entrance...hmmm, imagine that? Now who's the duh? lol
We went to the END of the line.

No sooner did we walk up to the line, the last person in line looks at me and says "Are you from da 'burg?"
I did everything I could to leave that place I call home, the white picket fence, hubby, kids, the whole nine yards, and here someone is trying to ruin my concert night by bringing all that crazy shit up ... as the first thing she says? Wow! Un-freaking-real! You know I am a cool rocker chick here, not a mom/wife/domesticated anything!! LOL I find out (after we graciously took our spot about 30 folks back) later in conversation that this lady lives in my hometown and our daughters are seniors together. I thought I might have seen her friend around town, but I honestly did not recognize her. It was cool though to be in line with people that were going to be friendly and talkative though, and boy did we talk...pretty much the entire 2 hours we stood there...and watched the line triple. We were lucky we got there when we did. I was thankful!! :)

At 6pm, the outside doors opened up and let us into what looked like a roller coaster line...after all the VIP people left the line (they were supposed to be there by 2:30pm, did not get called in until 5:30pm!!) and then the will call people left the line, we ended up being like 6th in line. This was fine by me...but I knew the VIP's would be in there first, so that was about 20 people in front of us.
I'm not sure why, but I sort of panic when I can't be close to, near, or in the front (chalk it up as part of the addiction! haha) Sometimes, I, myself, wonder why? I mean, I should just be happy I'm even at the show, right? Whatever! These are my issues, and I digress (as usual!) lol

My son texted me while I was in line and the text said "try to bring me home a pick please"
I had to laugh. That is definitely MY kid! :) I texted back saying "I will try, but if I get one, I'm not so sure I'm gonna give it to YOU!" with a smiley. He texts back saying, "that is why I asked nice and said please" haha funny kid!

Finally around 7:15 or 7:20 they let us in. they wrist band us all, and take the ENTIRE ticket! I gave the guy shit. :) I always keep my ticket stubs! I am a dork like that. I was kind of mad about that...but not too mad lol (the security guard I harrassed about it would later become my friend!) ;)

WE ARE IN! Holy crap was this place EVER small! YAY! Front row was all taken up, about 2 people deep, but the stage was only like 20 feet long! I stood in the middle, like 3rd person back. BFF had to go potty, smoke, and get a drink (just Pepsi. yeah! we are BAD ASS!) and I saved her spot. There was a balcony above us for all the 18-20 year olds (couldn't be on the floor with the drunks and their alcohol LOL) and there was a 3rd level too.

I swear it wasn't even 15 minutes later, the first band called Evelyn's Ashes came on. They were alright. The crowd hadn't exactly filled in yet (we found out later that it took till the end of the first two bands sets before everyone got in...that line took over an hour, just to get in!). They did five songs, tried to get the crowd wound up..but the only ones who were wound up were the 25ish year olds, all in the rowdy group next to us. All pretty much wasted. Already! Already?? yeah, already. Good news is they weren't a mean rowdy crowd or pushy rowdy, just loud and drunk rowdy!! and actually, they were kind of funny, like the big heavyset guy in line...he was funny too! and he kept referring to himself as the 'funny fat guy' haha

Another 15-30 mins goes by...while the rowdy crowd gets drunker, it is getting hotter, and I will be damned, it is also getting more crowded! Bff left to go smoke and barely got back because it was so crowded!! Woah!

Finally, 2nd band comes on. Automatic Fire from Philly. Yay! A local Philly band! and they actually rocked. It was so cool when the singer came out into the crowd. He stood right next to bff and sang for a while (I think he liked her!) haha This singer was unreal...he kind of reminded me of Josh Todd from Buckcherry with some of his moves. Only SOME. And by no means did I say that he even looks or sounds or remotely resembles (my hottie) Josh in any way....he just mimicked him with some of his moves. This band really got the fans wound up, at first...until they did their slow song. Sorry guys, it didn't work.

Okay, that part is over. More waiting. And Standing. and it is getting hotter. Fast. It felt like an hour, I really don't know how much time passed, but it was wayyyy longer than the time between the other two bands set changes. We waited some more.

The "Papa Roach" chant began. Still nothing. More waiting. This is hard. The best part of the night is about to come. We have ALL already waited forever...and finally...
The lights go down! The crowd ROARS! Here they come!! No, not the band, the crowd!! As soon as the music starts, we don't even see the band yet, and we get crushed into the 2nd row.

PAPA ROACH!!!! And we are rocking!!! Woohoo!

The band is full of energy and they are freaking fired up!
They were impressed that it was a sold out show and thanked us for that. :D Jacoby (lead singer-above) suggested that this was a wild crowd, and it was only the first song. :) Bff lasted about 2 or 3 songs and then had to leave the front but not until AFTER she got to touch Jacoby :) (She has a bad back on a good day, and couldn't handle the roughness of the crowd. We can be glad she did leave the front, I will explain later). The crowd just got rougher as the night went on. We were somewhere around the middle of the setlist, and the middle of a song, and Jacoby climbs up the side rail to the balcony level
and crawls over. And just starts walking through the crowd.
Then he threatens to jump.
haha - well I don't think he was really going to, but you never know! This dude is totally unreal, and AMAZING! It was so much fun. I didn't manage to get any guitar picks...
but I did manage to get in a tiff, of sorts. This chick beside me kept elbowing me in the ribs. Finally, I looked at her and said "knock it off" - she got mad immediately and said "then stop pushing" After telling her it was not me, it was the crowd behind us, duh! She tells me to push them back. OMG! So the chick next to me starts to argue with her saying it don't matter if you push back...and I figured to hell with it, just let the two of them argue with each other. I was done arguing with a dumbass! LOL
AND she did stop elbowing me. Yeah, I showed her! Ha! (LOL j/k...I hate when people fight at shows...it is dumb, but I had to say something because no one was pushing when she was elbowing.) My friends (from line, hometown friends) left the front cuz someone elbowed one of them in the head...she was pissed, but she left instead of standing up for herself.
Okay, by this point we are 2/3's of the way through, I am so freaking sweaty hot, it is unreal. The next song starts and I realize my sweatshirt (that was tied around my waist) came undone! OMG! My car keys are in that pocket!! I must have said "OMG" or "Oh shit" out loud, because a girl behind me said "what happened?" I told her I dropped my sweat shirt and as we looked down towards the dark area (called the floor), luckily for me, she was standing on it! I'm telling you, it WAS my lucky day!!! Whew! That was a close one!

Towards the end of the show, I somehow, lol, got pushed towards the side of the stage in front of my hottie guitar player, Jerry. I got some awesome, rocking shots of this guy.
During the one break, he looked right at me and I took my finger in a smiley face motion across my lips and mouthed "smile" - so he did, AND WINKED!!! I snapped the picture. I FAILED. The picture was totally black...all I can see is the silouette of his face, not the wink. Okay, maybe it is not my lucky day. That was an awesome moment. He totally smiled FOR ME, and winked! and I freaking botch the picture. *sigh* Oh well, it really did happen...whether anyone believes it or not. I got the damn black pic to prove it.
or not. lol
yeah, this was afterwards dammit!!

I didn't even go into the crowd surfers. or the guy who hit a chick and got taken down by like 15 security guards and escorted out. Sheesh. Why can't we all just get along? That chick probably elbowed the guy. (haha, j/k...I in no way condone any type of beating or hitting, ESPECIALLY at a concert, where everyone is there to have a good time, supposedly.)

It's a sad time when the show is over and the guys take their bow. They had as great of a time as we did! :) they were awesome and totally rocked my ass off!! Mean bitches and all! ;)

I was freaking drenched. I looked like I took a shower with my clothes on. Everyone started heading out of the venue. All the front row peeps hovered for setlists, and I decided I did not want to fight for one. LOL I freaking needed a drink!! It had been hours since I sipped that strong, bad ass pepsi!! Yay, the bar was still serving...and they had water! Wooo! (hey, that is more bad ass than pepsi, I think? haha)

That is when bff told me the news...

she says "You are going to be so happy! Guess what I got?"
They give me my water (only $2, imagine that!) and I drink like half the bottle before saying "what? what is it?" cuz she is practically jumping up and down, she can't wait to tell me. She pulls a Papa Roach pick out of her pocket! I was like "No way! How did you get that?"
She said "my secret admirer!" I had to laugh at that one. She goes on to tell me that she went to the tshirt stand to buy one for Alex, before I could. They told her they didn't have any. She tells the guy the story, about Alex texting before the show and how he is trying to learn how to play guitar. The guy tells her to hold on. He goes and gets a bag... digs for like 10 mins (she might have exaggerated, a little haha) and pulls out a pick...his own personal one. Tells her, "this is from last year." She asked how much he wanted for it. He told her nothing, she could have it! She got it for FREE! :) then she handed it to me to give to Alex. Now that is a BFF!! :) for realz!It WAS our lucky day!! We both bought a tshirt and headed outside to scope out the bus location. ;) No sooner did we get outside (ahhhhhh, fresh air!!), I had to pee. I didn't think of it inside, not to mention, who the hell wants to use that potty? Not unless it was an emergency. haha We walked to the car to get rid of some stuff, grab a sharpie (never leave home without it!), and re-group. Then we went to look for the buses and a potty. Walked right past the buses, checking out how many folks were hanging around. When we got to the end of the buses, there were two kind girls sitting on some steps who kindly pointed us in the potty direction. THANK YOU!!! :D

We came back over and struck up a conversations with the security guard in front of the bus. He was so nice (yes, the one I harrassed earlier). We chatted with him for about 30 mins or so. The girls from the steps then joined us. Next thing you know, Jerry pokes his head out of the bus!!!!!
He saw me, and I saw him.
I said, "well hello there sir, how are you?" and smiled. He said "I'm good how about you?" and shyly stepped off the bus. I was in amazement. I could hardly believe this was happening!! So he just stood there for an brief awkward moment, then I walked up and said "well, okay! I will be the first to hug you" and held out my arms.

haha pretty brave move...I guess he could have fled! called the security guard and told him to get this looney bitch off of him (and thats Crazy Bitch to you!), but he didn't. He hugged me!!!

Okay, now this is OFF THE HOOK!! :)

So then bff hugs him...and the other two girls...here comes the rest of the very small crowd (not even 20 people) Meanwhile, I was hurrying while trying to dig out the camera and my sharpie :) We went back over next to him and he was getting pix taken and signing stuff. We asked for a pic together and asked security guard (Jordan) if he would take the pic. He said jokingly, "Oh sure, get my hands all tied up and distract me so I can't do anything if someone tries to attack" haha What was I gonna do, pick him up and run? LOL He took our sweet pic...and as he was signing stuff, someone said, "can you sign my back?" and as he was signing it, I (the smartass that I am) said mockingly "will you sign my wings?" and he said "your what?" as he looked over at me, I stuck out my Aerosmith T-shirt (with wings conveniently located across my well endowed chest haha) and he laughed. then he signed my stupid paper (the one with the directions on it)...cuz I DIDN'T have a damn ticket for him to sign. Oh well. I didn't care...really! LOL He told us he would let the other guys know we were here. :)
We hung out for another 30 mins or so more, till like 12:45 am and then decided we couldn't wait any longer. We needed to head out. We did still have to drive 1 hour and 45 mins home.

We were satisfied.

I saw an awesome rock band, got my son a guitar pick for FREE, AND met the lead guitar player of Papa Roach! It was one of the best times I have had in a long time, and of my life. I really needed it. I almost feel "refreshed" and cannot stop smiling. :) I could do this every night of my life!!!

It was an amazing, lucky night!!
We should have bought a lottery ticket!! I bet we would have won! :)