Enquiring minds want to know...
should we get the dog or should I just say NO?
I don't know what to do. I hate tough (potential life altering) decisions. *sigh*
AND it is all up to me now.
Everyone else wants the dog.
Am I the only one thinking clearly?
Am I the only sane one left in this household? HELLO?
like we need another pet. So far, we have two turtles, a bunch of fish, 5 chickens and two fucking ducks (pardon the french there, but DUCKS were never even supposed to be an option...but "they were so cute!") OMG! they aren't still "so cute" when they grow the hell up... they just poop EVERYWHERE and I have to step in the crap, literally! Quack quack waddle waddle...PITA!!!
There are pros and cons to the doggie decision...
Number One Pro is how happy my kid will be if I say "yes" - he is totally in love with this dog (but in my defense, he loves every single dog he sees). This is the reason I am even considering it...his older brother (who does not live with us) just got a new dog and I see how excited he gets about it...and how sad he seems without a dog (since our dog died a little over a year ago). Since he is the last kid left (after the other one graduates this year), he will need a "pal" (that is me talking myself into it, ya know...to please my kid!) *sigh*
This dog just kind of "fell" into our laps. (don't say it is destiny or any crap like that, PLEASE!) She is a five year old springer spaniel, and she is fixed (def plus!). She came from a home of two old people (who both died, wife just recently) and as the years went on, they couldn't care for her, so they put her outside. She really loves attention (which she hasn't been getting) and seems like a good dog. We actually took her for a long walk today to see how she "acted." She is an active dog, who def did not get the exercise she needs (for this type of breed). She was going to be put to sleep, so the neighbor lady is trying to find her a home before this happens. Alex wants to "save" her so bad. I really want him to save her BUT....(that damn word again!)
There are cons too. Lots of cons.
Do I even need to explain any of these??? lol
First, it's a dog! might as well take on another kid! I will have to buy food and pay vet bills, and she def needs groomed. She needs shots too. Alex has offered to help pay for all of this, but he is a 14 (almost 15) yr old kid who has no job...so guess who pays? He will really try to help, but the overall financial responsibility will be mine.
Next con, she is a hunting dog and Alex has chickens. Can you say lunch? haha
...you get the point (wish I did!)
I don't know...I keep going back and forth, back and forth. I think I am going to let him give it a shot on a trial basis for like 90 days. A contract of sorts...listing what he has to do to keep her, and if these things aren't done, then we will have to put her down (like the original Owner was going to do) - which I can't see me or hubs doing...but as long as the threat is there, Alex will take care of her...
I hope.
Another BIG *sigh*
looks like I might be giving in on this one...
On a good note, that means I'm not the mean mom.
2 years ago
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