Kids + truck + fighting = NOT GOOD!! o_O
Today, I get a call from hubs while Im still in training class.
Not good.
I ignore, UHM cuz IM IN TRAINING (incident from two weeks ago, still has me a little irritated! lol) but he tries to call again. Training lets out (about 15 mins later) and I get a txt from hubs that says, AND I QUOTE
"Ask Tara to pick Alex up from school and they got into a tiff. then they got in to a physical fight while driving my truck down the road"
WTF? OMG!!!!!
I call him, and he confirms the txt explaining what happened.
Apparently, Tara went to pick Alex up at school and she parked too far away (for him) cuz he was bringing home his table that he made in shop. He had to walk about an extra 20 feet so he was mad. -- honestly, I think something may have happened this AM prior to this fight, cuz something was off. ..I knew it, WELL not until NOW! dammit! -- Arguing about the park job I guess is what started it, which led into arguing about the radio, cuz one turned it up loud to out "talk" the other one. . .then that lead to smacking hands and "fist" fighting I guess cuz Alex ended up with a fat lip. . .WHILE SHE WAS DRIVING!!!
did I, uhm, mention that she has only been a licensed driver for about a year???? HOLY CRAP!!! O_O
Hubs made them go to their rooms and told them both no youth class tonight. . .the bf had to go home and plans were now changed.
Now its time for punishment. .
they have already been lectured. . .once. (im sure there is still more to come, cuz I haven't said a word. . .yet. still thinking. . .)
My version for the immediate punishment (besides them staying in their rooms - separately to think) is for them both to write down what happened before they can be released from their rooms, while hubs's big plan is to "have them apologize to each other" -- uhm, yeah right. Something is going down here that may or may not be disclosed?? I figure if we get each side of the story, separately, in their own words. . .they will both have to ACTUALLY THINK about what happened and how this whole stupid fight could have gotten someone killed. Honestly!
They will write it all out like I just did and it will make sense.
Or it won't (cuz it really don't to me LOL)
either way. . .they both have to come up with something.
Hubs went to deliver the message to them about the apology, Then followed it by explaining what they had to do to be released from their rooms.
He comes back down and says "well, that went over like a lead balloon!"
Ahahahahaha. . .it was like a punch in the gut!! they both have to WRITE, THINK, AND APOLOGIZE.
Punishment enuff??
hmmmmm. . .we'll see I guess.
to be continued. . .
2 years ago
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