I read my randomness list today, and LMAO at myself. . .so today's update is brought to u by the color green and the number ZERO. hahaha
1. I might have totally lost my mind!
Yeah, well this one isn't gonna change lol
2. I have too much shit to do. . .
Today, I feel like Im catching up
3. I waste too much time on the computer (this is why #2 is on my list)
see #1 in green - haha
4. I have no idea where I will be working in 2 weeks! WTF?
Hey! Woohoo!!!! Big change! I know now!! and its happening fast, as usual- 2 more weeks at my job :) best news I've heard in MONTHS!!! YAY!
5. I sometimes feel like I have no idea where the hell my life is going, or how the hell I got here!
well, I guess Im working on it? duh!
6. I finally painted my fingernails today. . .just so I can pick it off by tomorrow.
Actually, I had it all picked off that same night :P
7. I am angry, and hold onto it wayyy too long.
Still angry. . .about SOME stuff (but I must have been really angry this day! sheesh)
8. I would like to write a funny blog, someday! lol
-- slow changes SLOW!
9. I have a wonderful son who most of the time has a smart mouth.
wonderful? who says that?
10. I want to runaway, most of the time!
I don't wanna runaway today. . .not yet. lol
11. I need a serious tan.
This is not gonna happen till summer, get over it
12. One of these days, I will find a great "lifestyle change" and stick with it.
In progress. . .big plans! hehe
13. One of these days, I am going to actually join a gym or class (like I have been saying I am gonna do since what? September?) sheesh!
ummmmm maybe? but doubtful, if Im being honest lol
14. I need a new phone, which I have postponed buying, so I could get concert tix, which now I can't get!
Ticket story hasn't changed, but there was a glimmer of hope earlier this week. . .if worse comes to worse, I have a day off and get a new phone! :) I will eventually get over the concert thing - probably
15. I WILL find a way to go on my trip to AC!
hahahahahaha - at least I'm always determined!
16. I need a serious girls night out. . .where someone else is the responsible DD!
still true
17. I might need a drink worse than I thought (and I don't even drink!)
haha, always resorting to alcohol, like it's a big bad threat
18. I need to post tons of pix. . .cuz I am behind, so far behind! lol
some things NEVER change lol
19. I don't have NYResolutions, and that may be the reason for this silly list.
Uhm, okay? haha
20. I love lists. Help me! lol
21. My driveway is a mudpit, and it is useless to try to keep my white floor clean!
It is still a muddy mess, but everyone is taking off their shoes lately? and y the heck do I care - that WHITE floor will never REALLY be clean LMAO
22. I hate cleaning and doing laundry on sundays
23. I hate that most of my close friends live REALLY far away!
24. I need to do something exciting soon!
OMG! just do it already!
25. I can't believe I made it to 25! hahaha
Well, yay for me and going thru this thing AGAIN definitely confirms #1! ;)
Just goes to show how a whole new day can give u a whole new outlook!! :) LOL
2 years ago
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