Okay. . .pre-warning! this is one of those times where I'm gonna whine and cry about something that is my own fault. . .but this is MY blog, and I'll cry if I want to.
We were supposed to go to Atlantic City in two weeks for a concert. well, Im a slacker and haven't checked for tix in over two weeks, because I thought we had plenty of time. Then i did the whole argue with myself about whether or not we should really go, due to funding, time constraints, etc. and finally my "fun" side won out, and told my "logical" side to shut the hell up, I haven't done a concert since 11-11 (holy shit - withdraw sets in harder)!!!! can u believe that! So anyways, I decided to go tonight to order the tix and THEY R ALL GONE!!! WTF? Wahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
Now what do I do?
Well, duh, dipshit. . .do what you normally do. . .go to ebay! Great plan, right? WRONG. . .cheapest tix on ebay were $800 for two. that is, uhm, 2 $40 tix!! If I had ordered them two weeks ago, they would have cost me $82.50! Is that ebay person INSANE???? must be, but I sure as hell am not. After all, this is not Aerosmith (and believe me, I have considered worse for THEM LOL)
So now I am backed to being bummed out, unless of course some miracle happens. :(
2 years ago
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