Well it has been a while . . .and I am not here to post about good deals! Imagine that. LOL
I have probably gotten some good deals in the past two weeks (yeah, it really has been that long and I apologized to. . .myself before I started this) ;)
Actually, yesterday I got a Mr. potato head for $1.99! regular price $7.99, on sale for $3.99 with a $2 coupon. I got the last one too! :D so now that we discussed that. . .let's move on!
I have a lot to talk about . .and apparently that is all I ever do?? : /
I had a birthday since I was last here (and everyone already knows that Im 29. . .) ;) the birthday was okay. I think I have grown out of birthdays. . .it is just not really a big deal if you don't get presents! haha I always make a big deal out of birthdays, but when it comes to mine I just don't wanna. . .as a matter of fact, we ended up at Chucke Cheeses on the actual day of my birthday and they asked if we were celebrating a birthday. I loudly said "NO!!!!!" and we went in. Bob and Chrystal just looked at me funny LOL I don't need a damn rat coming over to me (an adult, I think lol) and making a big deal out of me being 29! It was enuff torture just being there! haha j/k! it was okay. . .we had fun! :)
A few days before that I had the Joe Perry concert in NJ which was really cool (even tho I didn't get ANYTHING signed, dammit!) It was really nice to have a couple days off work and to go away for a night. (For some of us, we will take what we can get!) I was so excited when i woke up Wednesday morning (my first day off and the day of my show) and found out Steven Tyler was at the NYC show the night before. . .then I was mad and sad, cuz I knew he prolly wouldn't show up at my NJ show. . .AND to think, I almost went to the NYC show. Two of my friends actually MET him. . those lucky ducks!! :) Darn it!! I will just Dream On. *sigh*
In other news, lol, I keep coming up with more goals. . .even though I am not very good at follow through. I have tons of stuff I need to accomplish and time is running out on some of it.
I was supposed to have my xmas decorations started by now, so that the lights would be ready to turn on black friday (uhm, that goal is not looking so good).
I still haven't joined and online chat/website type thing i wanted for managing my weight...that was supposed to be done by the end of september (uhm, oops!). I have been slacking! sheesh - but the good news is that i did check into a few more sites since I wrote about that. I really liked "bitchyourselfthin" but it cost $9.95 to join, and Im not convinced its worth it yet, especially when there are tons of FREE sites that do so much more. (haha, thats the cheapie in me!)
I promised myself I would fix up this blog and add some real pix and some links to my fav sites. . .and guess what? Yep, you guessed it. .. that's not done either.
Now Christmas is coming and add all that stuff in with everything else. . .I might as well hire someone. hahaha
Oh, yeah, and Alex has been bugging me to bake stuff. Oh man. . .I AM a slacker! I am lucky that I don't have any thanksgiving stuff to do. . since we are going elsewhere for dinner. . .I just have to make a few desserts (which is easy as pie!) hahaha
Anyways. . .tons of stuff to do as usual, and not enuff time, AS USUAL.
2 years ago
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