Wow! what a freakin weekend. . .I don't even know where to begin!!
let's start with Wednesday when I left work early due to a doctor's appointment. Well, that went real well. we have been messing with some of my scripts and trying different stuff. This last med they put me on made me feel fatigued and crappy so we switched it again. i guess we will keep trying till we get it right. . .nothing like being a pin cushion for your doctor. yeah, well that appt made me pissy (yeah, imagine that, ME of all people, PISSY!) Meanwhile, Bob took Tara to the dentist office cuz my doctor appt ran wayy to long. Alex was at practice because of the championship game this weekend. So here i am all pissy with tons of shit to do. . .Great! Luckily for me, Thanksgiving dinner was at the in-laws (which was another reason I was so pissy - ya know, something to look forward to. HA!), so I had tons to do, but not nearly as much as it could have been. I had to make cookies and pies, etc.
I stopped at my friend Chrystal's to vent about the damn doctor (LOL) and to let her know how pissy and miserable I was (well, i had to share with someone!) and was hoping that little Vincent could cheer me up, because somehow, that little bugger always does! I like to play! and the world in the eye's of a two year old (almost 3) is way different than in our viscious world. . .so I kind of go to "pretend land" when I am pissy, and there is no better way to do that than to battle batman's bad guys and race cars all over the floor! It is like a break for me. . .in a way. I hung out there for a while and Chrystal suggested she come over to my house and we hang out tonight and make something for dinner. That was a cool idea and she ended up coming over. After a long drawn out period of making a list for the store, I sent Bob (cuz there was no way pissy me was going to go to the grocery store the day before thanksgiving without killing someone! LOL I kid, I kid - kind of!) ;) Hubby went for me (thanks hubby for keeping me out of prison for my fav FAMILY holiday!) and picked up stuff to make dinner. . .we had bacon cheeseburgers. Well, things started looking up after dinner and hanging out. Another one of my friends that I hadn't seen in a while came over as well, so that was nice! Then the sister in law came over and we had a little get together. . .which was really nice. It was like they all knew I needed them cuz I was having a bad day and they all hung out with me and helped me get my stuff done. They let me know that it was okay to have a bad day and have stuff to do, and not want to do ANY of it. But they all chipped in and helped me get it done and they made it fun.
Finally, thursday came. the big day! Turkey day! Yay! I should be happy and excited. . .but I have to go to the in-laws. Well, there goes all the excitement! Bleh! Okay, it wasn't really THAT bad, but it was interesting if nothing else. The most exciting part was planning my black friday shopping trip. . .I should have noted to myself the crappy day I had before, and tried to learn that maybe that was a sign this whole weekend was going to be crappy . . . but I didn't. UGH!!
I bought myself a paper and browsed the inserts, and plotted my strategy. My neices came over and starting giving me ideas of what they wanted. . .which was pretty much EVERYTHING! LOL
After leaving the in-laws, bob and I went to my sisters house to visit (and finish the strategy) and my sister and I decided that we should leave at midnight to get the best deals at Toys R Us. Yeah, that was a good plan! WTF were we thinking???
and I will end this post here. . .and move on to the Black Friday post. . .
2 years ago
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