Well I have realized that this blog is mostly about my good deals and free stuff! Which is always a good thing. . .but what about my life?? Believe it or not, I do have one outside of clipping coupons and saving $$ (and taking pix of my free stuff. . .hehehe u should hear the kids on that one!!) You prolly wouldn't be able to tell from my blog though! LOL
Lately, I have been really busy running around. I go straight from work to the school to pick Alex up from football practice, then we do the dinner dilemma. . .yeah, I haven't learned! We still do the dilemma! :) Some things will never change! haha then by the time we are done, we all have about an hour to do whatever before it is time to turn in. Whew! I am tired just thinking about it. AND that is only "normal" days. Monday nights, Alex has JV games, Friday nights are Varsity games, Wednesday nights they have Youth (church). . .and that is just THEIR stuff!!
So now we all know why I don't have time to blog often. lol I do have something very exciting coming up that I have been counting down the days for (no, it's not xmas, even tho I am almost done shopping) *ducks from stuff being thrown at me* LOL most of it was really cheap or free. Anyways. . .it is Joe Perry in concert in New Jersey 3 DAYS BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY!!! Do you think I may get a special bday present and MAYBE get to meet him??? *sigh* here's hoping I do. . .then I would never EVER get a better birthday present!! I have tons of Aero friends going to this show and I am very excited for it!! The friend of mine who is coming with is totally awesome and her and I have never done anything like this together. . .cuz something always ends up coming up for her. Bob is not sure if he is going or not, because of work. He doesn't have any vacation days left. . .so if he isn't laid off, he will be going to work. He is hoping he gets laid off of course. . .I don't care either way. . .even though I really need a mom/WIFE break! LOL sometimes he just don't get it. . .but get this, u never hear me wanting to go with HIM on a stupid hunting trip where he gets his "dad/hubby breaks" now do you? LOL He could just let me go. . .whatever!! LOL At least I get paid to go!! :P
Also, my friend who live near Philly just told me about a show in Philly on 11-28 to see Fosterchild who is a new band (local) that I really want to see. So here is hoping we get to go. I am gonna try to gather a bunch of friends for that one.
I am going thru withdraw big time!! I need a fix!! 8 more days!! :)
The next big thing I am working on is trying to get Bob to pay for a new tattoo for me for my birthday. I have it all planned out and know exactly what I want and how it is to be done. . .I might just go get on my own because I really want another one and I don't wanna wait!!
Sometimes life is crazy (and I know I am all over the place here. . .so if you can't keep up, move on! LOL) and sometimes I just want to run away. . .
My new saying for this week is "I don't want responsibilities anymore!!" Can u imagine?? It would be so cool to just always do whatever whenever. . .no work, no worries, no RESPONSIBILITIES!! *another big sigh* LOL
I just feel so overwhelmed with running the kids around, trying to figure out whats for dinner, work, cleaning, etc. etc. etc. it goes on and on. . .that the only thing that keeps me going is my next road trip. . .or it seems like that anyways!! Don't get me wrong, I love the smart ass comments from my comedian of a kid, or his smile when mom tells "a good one" or the laughter after we finally sit down to eat. . .but every once in a while. . . a mom/wife break is good - good for the soul, almost as good as laughter!!! :)
2 years ago
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