Thursday, November 1, 2012


so I went to the gym today.
seriously, it's not that big of a deal. I have been to a gym before (a long time ago) ...but I have to start a list of things I do today that I didn't do six months ago.
1. go to gym. lol
2. Run
3. Spend more than $50 on sneakers (not happy about this one lol)
4. zumba
5. Jillian (enough said!)
6. I eat spinich. & fish AND eggs lol
7. feel great most of the time
8. Plank!

Well that was a nice distraction. Made me feel a little better.

I think the gym may have intimidated me today - well at least the weight section. not to mention the treadmill tried to kill me. :( I was doing great until I tried to increase the speed of the treadmill (cuz i was running) and my finger got caught on my headphone wire, which tore the headphones out of my ears and knocked my phone onto the treadmill and I tried to catch it...FAIL. and then the treadmill tried to kill me. *sigh* I finally caught my balance, stopped the machine...picked up the phone...started again and I was PISSED...because the "deathtrap" erased all my stats. :( then I realized the program on my phone doesn't track distance when running on a treadmill. nice.

After that disaster was over...I walked around aimlessly, looking around trying to figure out what to do next. lol walked over to weight section and just felt overwhelmed.
Wow. I have a lot to learn...for the next six month "improvement" list. :/

good news is that I got my c25k in today and I didn't freeze or get drenched.
tomorrow is another day...I will try again.


lacochran's evil twin said...

Treadmills wait for an opportunity to trip you up.

That's my story, anyway.

smsrls24 said...

LOL mine too! ;)