I need to try to write here daily... HA!
Okay, let's be real! I'm going to try weekly :)
Fortunately for me, I love to talk! I also have lots to talk about. Stuff. Lots of stuff. Some of it good and some of it...not so much. Nonetheless...I need to get all my thoughts down, so that when I'm a hundred years old and I'm reading this blog, I can actually REMEMBER the stuff that happened back when I was a hot, young(er) whipper-snapper. (LOL, nm...I don't want to be a blue haired, drooling 100-year-old!) Let's make that eighty!
And by the time I'm eighty, the "computer" will be obsolete...kinda like eight tracks are now!
So, to the point already!
What was my point? Sheesh, who needs to be 100 yrs old to forget things? ;)
Oh yeah, to talk about stuff...
Like the withdraw I'm dealing with and going through right now :(
No, don't worry! It's not heroin, crack, or even pot or alcohol...
its not cigs or a crazy food obsession (although I could use some chocolate right about now) or any type of sexual fettish (well, not that I'm disclosing here anyways! lol)
It is ...
I feel like I NEED to be in a front row...I don't care if it's freezing, below 10 degrees, and raining/snowing/icing into an open stadium...I'm up for it!!!!!
but...my pockets aren't! :( *siiiigh*
Someday, when I do a "rant and rave" post about how horrible my financial situation is right now, all will be understood. Till then, let's just leave it as "broke as a joke" and not even funny! We got slammed from mid-November till end of December with bad luck and everything going wrong...Therefore, I haven't a dime to spare for anything...especially not concert tickets - a.k.a. my expensive addiction.
For a while it was okay...cuz there wasn't anyone worth my hard earned pennies to waste a small fortune on...but now, that has all changed.
Again, I *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh*
There are so many bands and such little $dough$...and even my second most favorite band (Buckcherry) is going to be on tour in February! not really NEAR me, but that depends on what is considered "near"! (within 3 hours is NEAR to me...if the band is worth it!) Two shows are "near" me...each one about two hours away and within one week of each other. AND my girlfriend texted me and told me the first one is on a Saturday (which NEVER EVER happens) and they are doing a "girls weekend in Baltimore" for the show.
I will not sigh again. :( I promise.
Now, had I won - er, uhm...I mean...bought a ticket for - that megamillions jackpot the other night (and then won that $355 MILLION) I would be following them all over God's green earth...well, at least until Aerosmith goes back on tour...then, I have to change my path! :)
BUT since I didn't even waste one Stinkin $ on a stupid ticket, I guess I won't be travelling anywhere for the next month or two. Which makes my stupid Winter Blues even worse.
Maybe I can sell something...like the hubby.
He cooks, ya know!
Pfffft...I will have to pay someone to take him.
*leaves to go find some chocolate...or a needle* ;)
2 years ago
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