I hate winter. Well, not actually hate it...it's like "the blues" I guess. I hear people say "everyone gets the blues once in a while" but man...this crap has got to end.
therefore...in honor of the winter blues...I'm going to make a list of the things I hate. (real nice way to "return" to the blog huh? lol)
Heres some of the things I hate...in no particular order (at this time)
1. cold
2. stupidity
3. nagging
4. whining
5. short days
6. haters (lol)
7. being broke!
8. rudeness
9. psychos
10. politics
11. golf
12. other stupid sports
13. automated phone systems
14. banks
15. the grocery store
16. distance
17. know-it-alls (a.k.a. snobs or teenagers)
18. running out of toilet paper
19. making hate lists
20. :( (sad faces)
21. thiefs
24. misery
25. winter blues
in the end it is just one vicious hamster wheel...so why even bother "hating" anything.
Peace out
2 years ago
Hate may be a bit strong but I gotta kinda admit... I don't feel good about Tom Green.
LOL I had to google search Tom Green and now have to add him to the list...but if I start adding "individuals" I will be here all night! ;)
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