Today is my anniversary! :)
When I say that, I get all kinds of crazy responses...such as:
My hubby: *look of terror cuz he thinks he forgot* Today?
My boss: Oh, congrats! How long have you been here?
LOL! Not that kind of anniversary! Silly folks!
On this date of March 1 in the year of 2001, I QUIT SMOKING!!
Today marks the 9 year anniversary of my quit date! :)
I am so proud!! and I will celebrate this date every single year I am smoke free for as long as I live (extra long, now that I'm not smoking!) ;)
I mainly quit because I did not have a job at the time and was broke as a joke. I could not afford cigarettes at $2+ a pack (and I AM SHOCKED at the price of a pack of cigs almost $6 a pack!) O_O
It was not easy by any means...but I did it "cold turkey" -- just picked a day, and said "that's it!" Now, I did try to quit like three times prior to this date and started back up every time (except when I was soon as I knew I was pregnant, I quit -- for 7 months...immediately after I had said child, I started again...this was a REALLY DUMB MOVE!!!) Withdraw is 10 times harder the second or third time you try to quit!
but I finally did it!!
Hubby was supposed to quit with me and he tried, but failed! He STILL smokes today! ugh! This is why I know the price of cigs, this is why I know how nasty it is (yes, I am a big time hypocrite! lol) and this is why I know I will NEVER smoke again! He reminds me! Every day! After smoking, his breath stinks, and he smells like an ashtray, more often than not! His pillow case (which was white) has a permanent "yellowish" stain because even after you are done smoking that cigarette, it is still on your breath and on/in your skin. Ewwwww!! : {
Did I realize this or know it when I smoked? not really, and if I did, I ignored it
Am I glad I realize this now?
They say humans look just as silly when we do it... I live by this motto! :D
2 years ago
CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm a new quitter, had my last cigarette on February 27. I quit for several reasons: 1. It's stupid.
2. It's way too expensive. 3. It's stupid.
You, my dear, are a Power Goddess!
It is pretty awesome Tracy! :)
Congrats CJ! :D it is a hard thing to do but ur takes Power! Thanks for that, ur sweet! Keep me updated on your progress.
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