Do you know what it feels like when you know you have to do "something"
... but can't, or don't want to, or make lame excuses for yourself?
Yeah, me too.
For example (just in case there is maybe that ONE person who has never felt like this-HA!), you are hungry, and you cannot ignore it anymore cuz your belly is screaming so loud that the neighbors can hear it, and the only person that can do ANYthing about it is you...uhm, by eating, silly!!! Well, how many times (in this particular situation) do you know you actually have to eat to get that loud annoying grumble to go away, but for some unknown reason (see above) you never actually eat, or wait for HOURS to eat because ... either
1) your too damn lazy to get off your ass and get something... or
2) you can't decide what you want exactly at this moment - I mean, damn, there are soooo many choices... or
3) there is no damn food in the house (refer back to #1) ... or
4) your waiting for someone else to make you some damn food (because you -and I- deserve it, lmao!) - this might be another #1 reference here ...or
5) insert another lame excuse here OR
6) etc. etc. etc.
Yeah, well, THIS decision "example" was a simple one...we all know (or most of us can figure out haha) that the solution is fairly simple as well.
There are some waaaay tougher decisions or situations that may need to be acted on ASAP... but sometimes you just don't wanna, or can't, or feel you NEED to make excuses (called "procrastination" in some cases) OR, maybe, it's actually FEAR? (this theory might not work so well in the eating scenario depicted above...I mean, who the heck is afraid to eat? ---wait, dammit, I think I just came up with the PERFECT weight loss plan!!! I'm going to scare myself thin! lol) ;)
Yeah, of course I got off track...who's blog do you think you're reading?? lol *gets back on track*
Fear, yeah that's right. Not so sure I want to go there...probably why I digressed! lol
Will fear be the reason that no decision was made? which leads to avoidance of the situation/decision, which also may lead to more indecisiveness and excuses...
eventually snowballing into this big chaotic process we call life? (okay, well maybe not-so-much lol - but you get my drift!)
These big time decisions could affect overall happiness...and maybe well-being.
But I'm me. And guess what?
Yep, still postponing (what may be) the inevitable.
Usually, I just jump. with no parachute. and, most of the time, land safely.
This time, this big decision... it's just scary...
This time, I'm stuck at the edge with no parachute...
and I'm afraid to jump.
2 years ago
I wish I had your eating problem. ;)
haha, yeah well, you would think I am skinny because I'm so damn lazy...but because I'm so lazy...blah blah blah! ;)
Thanks for reading!
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