It has been a while since I wrote here o_O
I know, I one ever expected that! HA!
I have been very busy dealing with ... drama. Did I ever mention that I HATE drama. : /
Well, someone I know is the queen of drama. While most of it is self-created, I'm thinking even when she isn't creating it, it follows her around or finds will seek her out of a crowded room that is loaded with actors/daytime soap stars, creative writers/thinkers, and psychos as well.
I know at this point you are saying "so why don't you just avoid this person?" which is NORMALLY what I would do in this situation, because I like to live a drama free life (note: favorite word used in that sentence, FREE)! Unfortunately for me...this person is a relative.
Not just any relative, a relative of the hubby. You know what that means, right? *insert scary twilight zone music here* That means a "DREADED IN-LAW"!!!! (and that's my nice term!)Ugh.
There should be some type of book that you can read before you get married that is called "how to deal with in-laws" or "beware of in-laws" or some shit like that, because if anyone actually knew about the dreaded in-laws...the divorce rate would seriously drop - because LESS people would get married!! (I should have been a genius!) I wonder how many people divorce due to in-laws? I bet the number is higher than you think!! People just don't say "I left him because of his crappy in-laws!" LOL they say "oh, we had problems"
Yeah, sure you did - those problems are called IN-LAWS!!!!
Now don't get me wrong, I am sure hubby thinks that some of my relatives are unbearable, or annoying, or even PITA's BUT I can assure you that there is less drama within my entire family compared to this one in-law.
More stupidity in my family? Yes, definitely! Can't argue that. LOL
But drama? C'mon...leave it at the door! Don't bring it to my house! Don't involve me or my kids! Keep it on YOUR SIDE of the family!
With that being said...this next drama award goes to:
Hell with it...let's just give it to ALL the in-laws, cuz I'm nice like that!! :)
2 years ago
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