Well it has been a crazy busy week. . .and things are kind of hectic.
I have one complaint. . .
I have to walk to the end of the driveway now, every single day or be stuck (which I shouldn't bitch about, but Im lazy and spoiled!), and today when I got home and parked at the end of the driveway - after 3 freaking tries, cuz of the drifts and the ice. . .
I had to walk through patches of two foot high piles of drifted snow to get to the house. . .
did I mention it was dark?
and I had two grocery bags and two big packs of toilet paper (that I had to actually PAY $ for, btw)?
and no boots?
and only my work pants (cotton, not jeans - UGH)?
OMG! I was so pissed.
So. . .freakin. . .pissed!!!!
2 years ago
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