Todays great deal involves the Hallmark store. . .believe it or not!! I normally don't shop in this store because to me, it is kind of expensive.
But heck, when you have two coupons that say $5 off a minimum of $5 purchase. . .that is a FREE $5!! One of my fav freebie websites had a link to another site that had a "coupons in magazines" post. One of the $5 off Hallmark coupons was in my Oprah magazine (which was a free subscription and I am loving this magazine!!) and the other was in the Women's Day (which was a $5 subscription for a year! woot! I love this magazine too. . .one of my favs and I was buying it at the grocery store for a while) Well, I would say these magazines paid for themselves. . .the only problem is, I am running out of time to read them. I got January's WD and I didn't even read ANY of December's issues!! Sheesh! (I guess I need a magazine list too! OH brother. . .did I just say that? lol)
Okay well. . .on to the deal. :) I can't really go into great details because some of the readers are recipients (hahaha - I have a secret!! shhhhhhh!) BUT I got about $31 worth of stuff (4 items) for $5.40!!! That is an average of $1.10 per item!! Two of the items were on clearance for 80% off and the coupon worked with that stuff too! Of course, I had to purchase the items separately. . .so that I could use both coupons, but it was a fantastic deal!!! I ended up finishing off 3 people on my xmas list! With really cute gifts! Now that is some great xmas shopping!! :)
I never said the Hallmark store was a bad store. . .just expensive - And believe me, there was a TON of stuff in there I wanted for ME. . .but I stuck to the plan and used the coupons for xmas!! Another YAY ME!! ;)
And the best part of this deal is that I came home and got online. . .
guess what? Two more $5 off coupons to be printed from the net for the same store. Which is awesome because the one gift I got at $7.99, I really wanted another one, but they didn't have any more. . .so maybe I will get lucky if I go to a different Hallmark store? We'll see I guess! :) Cuz you know I will let you know!!
I also got a FREE calendar in the mail this week. It is going to be part of someone's gift too! I think I signed up for like 20 (hahaha exaggeration. . .but prolly pretty close) free calendars so far. . .of course the one I am giving away is the first one I received. . .but that is okay. all in good time!!
I am really loving these FREE xmas presents!!
It is all about giving, right?!! :D HO-HO-HO!
2 years ago
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