Wooohooo! It must be my lucky day! I got an email today saying I won the "Inspiring Hope Giveaway" I signed up for at forthemommas.com (one of my favorite freebie websites)!
Here is the description of what I won
"PinkTogether along with MyBlogspark is graciously giving away to one For The Mommas reader a Inspiring Hope gift basket that includes a sleeved travel mug, a running ribbon charm bracelet, a pink leather strap keychain, a pink cinch bag, and a set of inspirational note cards. All of the gift basket items are from ShopKomen.com, where 25 percent of the merchandise purchase price benefits Susan G. Komen for the Cure® in the fight against breast cancer."
How freaking cool is that?? Not only did I win, but it benefits the fight against breast cancer!!
You can use this link to see the actual photo of my prize!
I used to say "I never win anything", but this is my second prize now that I have been entering giveaways!! :) The first one was a Zuma book (all about exercise with certain dance steps!) -- I haven't got it yet, but as soon as I do, I will post about it!
I also took my son to McD's for dinner tonight (I know. . .BLECH! but we were in a hurry and I am addicted to McD's mochas. . .mmmmmm!) and I got a free McFlurry or Yogurt Parfait on my Mocha cup (the McD's Monopoly game pieces - two per cup!)
Dang, I guess I should be playing the damn lottery!!! hahahaha
2 years ago
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