Wooooohoooooo!!! Well no one gets as excited as me for a good deal!! I am a cheapie, freebie, and good deal person!! I love getting the best deals on EVERYTHING! I never pay full price for anything (and honestly, don't understand why anyone would?) LOL
I called my sister immediately after my Sears deal, and even she, who is slowly becoming as good as me at deals (haha), did not seem as excited for me as I was! : / So I came here to brag!!! LOL
Okay so what was the great deal?
Well, I get emails from "cheapie/freebie" bloggers that I signed up for. The other day, most of the bloggers made note of a Sears coupon for $10 off any Juniors apparel items, WITH NO MINIMUM PURCHASE!! I actually found out today that there is a minimum purchase of $10 (but some folks are reporting that if you argue "no min purchase" clause stated on the coupon, they can adjust it down to the price of the item -- I did not know this till I got back, so I did not try to argue it, but I def will next time).
So last night, I had Tara look on Sears.com and find a few t-shirts she likes right around $10. (Tara can get away with wearing some JR apparel, cuz she is so skinny. . .but we have to get L or XL in JRs for her) She picked out a few. When I went to place the order online, it wanted to charge me $6.25 for S&H . . .so I decided that I would just run over to Sears at lunch and see what I could find. Well, it worked to my benefit!!
I found two of the shirts she wanted! :) Not to mention Sears is having a big CLEARANCE sale, with an additional 40% off clearance prices. When I went to the register, I asked if I could use more than one coupon. . .she said, "yes but they will have to be separate transactions."
The first one she rang in was the 9.99 shirt. This is where she told me I had to spend another penny to use the coupon. UGH! well, lucky for me, I found a few other shirts that were cute when I was browsing, but only picked up the original 3 I wanted to buy. I ran back and grabbed another shirt. it was on sale for 4.79. Total = 4.58 for 2 shirts (first one was not on clearance) Then, for the second transaction, she rang up the shirts and one of the ones marked 9.99 came up as a clearance item, so the total was only 9.58. . .haha, just my luck!! I ran back and grabbed a cute little muscle shirt with necklaces attached - it was marked 4.99, but came up 2.99 at the register! PERFECT!!! :) Total = 2.57
That makes it. . . 5 shirts for $7.15!!!!! they were each probably right around $10 a piece (originally) -- so that was like $50 worth of stuff for $7! Wowie Zowie!!!! that is sooooo AWESOME!!!!! :) I am just tickled pink with myself.
2 years ago
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