I wanted to write about this while it was fresh in my mind...ya know, like the day after the concert...but of course I didn't...so the details may be a little fuzzy! but I figure a month after the concert wont be so bad in about 40 years from now...right? ;)
Here's the re-cap.
After a
three hour drive from our house to Atlantic City...
and a bunch of weeks of anticipation...it was finally time!! we were here!! Paid $20 freaking dollars to park at the Trump! and when I tried to take a picture, Hubs looked at me funny, like I was a nut! Hey, ya never know when it's gonna be ur last pic...is what I always say! ;) so it gets blurry, and he's impatient...i give up. I had a chance a at much better shot from the street!

the building next to it is Boardwalk Hall, where the Aerosmith show was...but we were headed to the Trump to see Draw the Line. It was like two for one, Draw the Line is an Aerosmith Tribute band. I actually saw them before for free. And this show was free too. :) the excitement is building...
We showed up around two-ish...and I texted a couple of my friends... another great thing about this night (like what could be great than seeing an Aerosmith Tribute band and then AEROSMITH??) is that
A LOT of my friends were going to be here!! It was going to be great!
None of our friends were ready...or around yet...and DTL hadn't shown up yet. I thought the show was supposed to start at 3 at the Trump Beach Bar. we were way early! lol We get to this place, and I immediately feel overdressed in jeans and an Aerosmith t-shirt (yeah, like I have to mention this shirt is BLACK!)
Heck, the waitresses were serving in bathing suits! lol Oh well, sux to be me
at 3pm in the afternoon, by the beach in the 90 degree sun...but Im still not complaining!! :) We tried to find seats, but the place was packed...after walking around like 2 times, Hubs decides it's time for a drink. We find a spot (a tiny little hole...lol) by the bar and FINALLY order some drinks. yeah, there goes another twenty...but whose counting?? : / I got a frozen strawberry margarita...it tasted pretty good, in that heat! :) So we walk around like two more times and think we finally spotted a table...walk up to it, the waitress says "you can't sit there, that is reserved...these guys are having a bachelor party" I looked over at the 6 or so guys standing there around ONE table full of empty beer bottles ;) and I either looked really pathetic or really cute (haha) but the one guy looked back and said "no, no, let them sit there! they can sit here!" I said "r u sure?" he said "sure!!" after all, it was just
two of
us, and they weren't using the table anyways. :) I found out later that they were in town for their bachelor party and for the concert! (now that is def the way to celebrate your last night of freedom!) haha Yay! we have a seat!! right to the left of the stage! :) Damn..that was luck. seemed to be on my side this night! So we ordered some food and hung out.

People watching is kind of fun when your bored (or bein dorks, lol)...and this nice lady comes over and strikes up a conversation about Aerosmith. We hit it off right away and chatted it up...her and her friends found some chairs and sat down.

"Vicki" told me her friend was friends with DTL and they said the band is stuck in traffic. They were late. Oh well...our friends are starting to show up. Plenty of drinks to go around.

John & Joan show up.
(and Trish & Scott - not shown)
Then Linda, Rosie, and Sue show up (my first time meeting Rosie and Sue).
Finally Aimee and her friends show up.

This is getting to be so much fun..saying "hi" and chatting. I saw BethAnn, Lauren, and Lindsey, Kris, Kim, Barb and her daughter, and all these new people!!
the band shows up next! Party is about to begin, but some folks have to head out because they are going to the Aero-prepartys! lucky ducks! :) We had our own pre-party going on though...and the fun is just beginning!! :)

DTL sounded great. We had so much fun. We even got pix with them between sets. I will have to see if I can find the setlist that DTL played that night. Hubs wanted to head over to see Sammy Hagar, but I really wasn't interested...I wanted to hang with the DTL crew! and my friends.
We did end up leaving and making it over to the show for the last two Sammy Hagar songs...I stopped with some friends by the merchandise shop and am VERY proud to say I didn't buy a thing! bob ended up spending $5 for some stickers...against my better judgement...but he gave them to me, so how could I be too mad!
Finally we get inside...I realized where my seats were and I was disappointed. :( We are on the floor, but we are way in the back section of the floor...the stage isn't even close! :(
I say to Bob..."this isn't gonna work for me..."
He just looks at me ... like yeah what r u gonna do about it. We hang there for the last two songs of Sammy, and when the lights come up...we search for friends. Head down the aisle..there we see John and Joan like 3 rows back from the catwalk!! :) stop to chat with them again, till we get kicked out...about 5 mins later...the people come for their seats. We could have gave up and went back to our seats, but I said, "let's just wander down here and see if we see anyone we know" ;) we head down...we r right next to the catwalk and what do you know...it is is an empty row?
WHAT? I told bob to act like he belonged there, cuz he was getting all paranoid that security was checking tix in the front. We were hangin out in like row 10...some friends stop by to chat...we hang, then "Bill" shows up.
Bill is my new Aero-friend who had the last seat in our row (the next seat was unclaimed). He asked us if these were our seats, and I had to confess and told him the truth. LOL he seemed cool enough, and boy was I right... HE WAS. He kindly told us if security didnt say anything, we could stay there. :) He didn't mind, after all his ticket was FREE!!!
O_O I told him of my ticket dilemma, and he asked me if I was a big fan...I showed him my tattoo and he eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head. He agreed that I was a big fan, and agreed to let me stay in that row!! YAY!!! :) :) :) This was his first show! Of course I bragged up my boys and assured him he wouldn't be disappointed. Here was another new friend, a kind generous man, who couldn't have been nicer to two strangers (you don't find many folks like this guy! unless you're at an Aero show!!) ;) So I was happy with my "self-upgrade" on the catwalk...this works for me!!! so much better! :D
The show is about to begin. the curtain is up! about ready to fall...my band is about to rock my world (do ya feel the anticipation??!! lol) Next thing ya know the guy on the inside of our row looks over and asks if these were our seats...so this time, I lied and I said "yeah why?" (they kinda were mine
now LOL) he said "just wondering...Hi, Im Ian!" Hey, I know this guy...his name keeps coming up on my facebook page saying we have lots of friends in common! So I tell him this...we laugh, yes it's him. He told me to fb friend request him. So cool...one more cool friend to add to the list. :) this is turning out to be quite a night, and the band didn't even start yet!! :) but I am sooooo ready. . .

to be continued...