Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fight Update

As for the update on the children fighting. . .
Bob and I pondered over what to do about it for a long, long time. We both agreed that of all our punishments, nothing would make them realize the severity of what had happened. We could take everything from them, and make them stay in their rooms, but it wouldn't be good enough, because what have they learned??? Material things weren't gonna cut it this time. . .nope, not this time. : /

After I received each thier written versions of what had happened, I was even more disappointed. They were swearing at each other and saying that they hated each other as well as the physical fighting. :( Not what a mom wants to read from her own kids handwriting. . .but I asked for it - I wanted the truth, right?
I thought about putting their written versions of what happened here, but then opted to not do it. I will be keeping them though (till they are like 80 yrs old - blackmail, ya know? lol), and might bring them out as a reminder. . .if needed to teach a future lesson! LOL

In all seriousness though, Tara's driving priveledges have been suspended, and neither one of them have done a thing since this happened. (meaning they are grounded from activities) We did have a big sitdown, uhm, a "family meeting" if u will, and made it clear to them how bad this was, and how much worse it could have been. I used this example: what if Dad would have sent Tara to pick up Alex, and neither kid made it home because there was a car accident? Just to make a point. ..to try to get through to them how wrong AND dangerous this fight was. I am pretty sure they "get it" now, and I made them explain in their own words the bad choices each of them made, and how they could have prevented or changed their actions that led up to the fight.
and boy did we hash out EVERY last detail - EVERY ONE!!!!

(overdramatic much?) lol

All kidding aside, I am very thankful that nothing terrible happened (unless u count mom knowing her kids have potty mouths as "terrible" - I know, I know, they get it from ME! sheesh) and that they are both safe and sound. I am also thankful that they both finally get the point, and that they both learned from this experience.
I HOPE. *crosses fingers*

I think if these teenage years keep going they way they are, I'm gonna need some type of prescription SOON!! ;)