Wednesday, February 24, 2010

FAIL & Roosters

Okay, so I already failed at the pic a day thing. . .but never fear! there is snow coming so I will have plenty of time to sit around and go through photos soon! :)
And that really is what it is all about. . .finding them and going through them to post some. I am so looking forward to it. haha

Actually. . .I think I'm gonna find and post one here. . .a digital LOL (due to pure laziness and UNorganization skills when it comes to photos!)
And before I post the pix, just let me tell ya, I was NOT a fan of "roosters for pets" at my house. but they were given to Alex for his birthday by my sister's boyfriend, because Alex LOVES roosters. . .
just think chicken on a stick!! (Jeff dunham fans will get this!! haha) this is an inside joke that Bob and I like to tease Alex with!! LOL (not that we would EVER harm these WONDERFUL chickens!! (omg! did I just say that? sheesh!)
This is Alex's (attack) chicken named Foghorn (haha! right?)
I will explain "attack chicken" another day. . .just know he's vicious! o_O
And this is his partner in crime, below. . .yep, u guessed it, Leghorn!!
(that's my kid for ya. . .lol)