Well, March 1, 2012 has come and gone. This is my day. My new year. My goal setting day. I hate goals. Oh yeah, i might have mentioned that once or twice!
the good news is that this date marks 11 years since I have quit smoking. Yay! Now I'm a hypocrite..cuz it stinks and is nasty and blah blah...hubby is trying to quit too. He hasn't bought a pack in over a month! :) still bumming every once in a while though.
the bad news is that my goal that I set last year started to work out and was great...then failed. It wasn't a total loss, but the goal I set for myself was not met. I hate goals....most of all weight loss goals.
the good news is that I am 10 pounds lighter and 1 size smaller since last year at this time...and I am healthier, all around healthier. I eat healthier, I am more apt to avoid bad stuff (aka junk food)...haven't completely given it up, but Im working on it.
the bad news is I don't exercise enough and I'm not sure why exercising every day or even a few times a week is such a problem for me.
the good news is that I exercised more (lately, and in the past year) than I have ever done in the past.
the bad news is I didn't lose 50-60 pounds in a year like I wanted too...I did get down to 20 pounds lossed at one point...but I could not maintain, even though some stuff was beyond my control...no matter what the excuses are...FAIL! lol
The GREAT news is that I'm still trying!!! I keep hitting bumps in the road, but I know in my heart and in my head that I CAN do this. It is just taking longer than I thought, and I'm not as disciplined as I thought. I need more practice, and I need to stop being so lazy.
So this March 1, 2012...I have set the same goal as last year...starting over...one more time.
Good luck to me...
I need to look good in a bathing suit for when I finally win my tropical vacation! ;)
3 years ago
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