Monday, August 31, 2009

Laziness. . .

Ah yes, what a word. . .LAZINESS! seems to be the word of the year around my house!!
Kids don't want to do anything - why? Laziness
Mom doesn't exercise - why? Laziness
Stuff/Projects don't get done for weeks - why? Laziness
Blogs don't get updated - why? you guessed it. . .Laziness

Don't get me wrong, I am the first one up for having a "lazy Saturday" or just a lazy day. . .it is the cure for all that ails you! LOL Okay, not really! But it sure is nice to just sit or lay around and do absolutely nothing, especially when you know that tons of stuff needs to be done. . .and you don't really care cuz it's a "lazy day"

So I was thinking, if laziness didn't exist, what would the excuse be? I am sure we could come up with something, but don't tell me anything is better than just being plain old LAZY! I know that if laziness didn't exist, I would be about 20 pounds lighter that's for sure!! LOL Also, there would never be any chores at my house! Kids would never be "bored" and I would blog every single hour (LMAO. . .now that IS funny!)

The point? Oh, yeah! LOL well, I haven't been here for a while, I am not 20 pounds lighter, there are tons of chores at my house (which didn't stop me from playing a silly computer game on saturday for 3 HOURS!), and you guessed, the kids are always bored.
Well, the boredom won't last long, lazy or not. . .cuz it is back to school today!! YAY!!

The other point? It is my goal not to be lazy this week and get back to my exercise program. I joined fit club (through work), lost 10 pounds, went on vacation in July, and haven't done crap since. No, I haven't gained anything back, but I haven't lost either. I have the food thing down. . .it is the exercise that I need to work on - BIG TIME! I need more energy, I need to feel better, I need to lose more weight. I have set a goal for myself. . . and I shouldn't be saying/writing/blogging this out loud, because then it will become real. . .okay, here goes - I would like to try to lose 50 pounds by this time next year. Possible? Yes. Likely? I hope so.
The only way this is going to happen is if we ban laziness from our house (just like country music is banned from our house!) hehehe :)