Monday, August 31, 2009

Free VS

Have I ever mentioned that I love CVS?? Okay well I love CVS!! :)
I could spend hours in there just looking at nail polish, makeup, and clearance stuff and I have!! Usually, I don't spend that much time in there anymore because nowadays, since I have become obsessed with being a cheapskate, I have a list and my coupons all ready. No more wasting hours in CVS, buying stuff that is not needed (well, I could use a new nail color, who couldn't?) :) Okay, I will wait for the sale! *curses under breath* lol

After I read my freebie blogs etc. and reviewed the sales at CVS, I knew it wasn't going to be a great week there as far as sales and ECBs (extra care bucks). But there was one good thing. Candles. Okay, you got me. I love candles as much as I love CVS (not mixed though, cuz buying candles at CVS is ridiculous!!) I wouldn't have even went to CVS this week, but I had to get a script and when I saw that candles were on sale, I couldn't resist them! The new Glade Fragrance Collection candles! Actually, I have been wanting to try these since they came out, but at $8.99 - 10.99 (depending on where you go) there was no way I was trying them at that price!!! O_o Luckily for me, they were on sale at CVS this week for $6.99 and if you buy one, you can get $6.99 back in ECBs. . .YEP! That means FREE!!! (gotta love Free VS!!)

Here was my deal . . .

Bought 2 GFC soy candles @ $6.99 each
Bought a 2oz GFC soy candle @ 3.29 each
Script @ $5.00
Used $3.00 off two Glade Candle purchase coupon
Used get a 2oz Glade soy Candle Free
Total: $12.42
ECB Total: $6.99

Cashed out at pharmacy. . .got ECB
Went back to candles. . . got another one
Went to front register. . .got candle free using ECB!!

Wrap it all up. . .
I got 3 Glade Fragrance collection soy candles and one 2oz soy candle for $7.42!!!
(12.42 - $5 script fee)
That is less than $2 a piece for candles that cost almost $10 each!!
I was one happy camper!! :) And no, I am not being greedy, I only kept two for myself and am using the others as gifts for the family reunion (I am in charge of "adult games" - so I have been running around for a year collecting good CHEAP gifts to give away as prizes) ;)

I love bargain shopping!!
Be back later to let you know about my awesome Kmart deals (cuz they have double coupons this week for the last time EVER - which sux)

Laziness. . .

Ah yes, what a word. . .LAZINESS! seems to be the word of the year around my house!!
Kids don't want to do anything - why? Laziness
Mom doesn't exercise - why? Laziness
Stuff/Projects don't get done for weeks - why? Laziness
Blogs don't get updated - why? you guessed it. . .Laziness

Don't get me wrong, I am the first one up for having a "lazy Saturday" or just a lazy day. . .it is the cure for all that ails you! LOL Okay, not really! But it sure is nice to just sit or lay around and do absolutely nothing, especially when you know that tons of stuff needs to be done. . .and you don't really care cuz it's a "lazy day"

So I was thinking, if laziness didn't exist, what would the excuse be? I am sure we could come up with something, but don't tell me anything is better than just being plain old LAZY! I know that if laziness didn't exist, I would be about 20 pounds lighter that's for sure!! LOL Also, there would never be any chores at my house! Kids would never be "bored" and I would blog every single hour (LMAO. . .now that IS funny!)

The point? Oh, yeah! LOL well, I haven't been here for a while, I am not 20 pounds lighter, there are tons of chores at my house (which didn't stop me from playing a silly computer game on saturday for 3 HOURS!), and you guessed, the kids are always bored.
Well, the boredom won't last long, lazy or not. . .cuz it is back to school today!! YAY!!

The other point? It is my goal not to be lazy this week and get back to my exercise program. I joined fit club (through work), lost 10 pounds, went on vacation in July, and haven't done crap since. No, I haven't gained anything back, but I haven't lost either. I have the food thing down. . .it is the exercise that I need to work on - BIG TIME! I need more energy, I need to feel better, I need to lose more weight. I have set a goal for myself. . . and I shouldn't be saying/writing/blogging this out loud, because then it will become real. . .okay, here goes - I would like to try to lose 50 pounds by this time next year. Possible? Yes. Likely? I hope so.
The only way this is going to happen is if we ban laziness from our house (just like country music is banned from our house!) hehehe :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Friday night shopping

Well, I finally got all the "school shopping" done. I hate calling it that, but tis the season right? Kids are all set, except that I have to find some jeans for Alex. . .he is so tall, we can't find his size anywhere! But we have time because they won't wear jeans for a while yet.

Tara and I had fun skimming all the clearance racks. . .some stuff 50-70% off or more!! :) I love that kind of sale. Funny thing is, we were at Old Navy, and I had a $10 off $50 coupon. Tara tried some stuff on, but only found one pair of cute white jeans that she wanted, the were labeled $14.99 (clearance price, reduced from $36). . .well low and behold, we got to the register and she asked for $7.50!! :) How cool is that!! Since that was the only thing we could find, before I checked out, I found a lady with a cart full of stuff and asked her if she wanted the coupon. she looked at me funny at first (like I was stalking her) LOL I told her the coupon expires today and I could only find one thing - then she seemed very appreciative and acted like she would use it.
Hehehe u know me, can't let a good coupon go to waste. . .I mean after all, she had that amount in her cart anyways!! I just saved her $10!

Tara is like me in that fact that she refuses to pay full price for anything. . .and unlike me, she is skinny and can find lots of stuff on clearance racks in her size. We were buying her shirts at $3.60 - $5.00! It was awesome. Kohls was the big saver for me. . .in there, my total was $116, but get this. . .I saved $166!!! :) Now that is what I call a bargain!! And we found some stuff for Alex too. . .him and his funny t-shirts. . .(yes, that is where he is like me, sense of humor!!) He got one that said "security wouldn't let me pass with these guns" then there is a pic of a muscle guy lifting weights. :) ahahahaha He is something else. . .he always gets me on that silly joke too. He will say "mom, did u get ur tix yet?" and of course, because of all the concerts I attend, I say "which tickets" and then he replies with "tickets to the gun show" and flexes and KISSES his muscles. . .gets me every time!! lol Crazy kids!!
Also at kohls we found a cute little Batman hat and sunglasses for kids (vincent loves Batman!) for under $10. (later at Kmart, we found a Batman beach towel for $5 . . . I am so done buying Batman stuff. . .LOL)

We got a few deals at Target too. . .including some AC/DC stuff (not really needed, but at $1, I couldn't tell him no) for Alex, a wristband, notepad, and sticker. (bummer he was with or this would have been xmas stuff!)
we got 2 FREE packs of pens. . .I had two coupons for $1 off any bic item, so I sent Alex to the school supplies and told him to get two Bic items for $1 or less. That equals FREE! :) Love it! Also managed to get some .37 Dove Deoderant for Tara, two bottles of Glade spray (like febreeze) for $1 each (B1G1 coupon and they were on sale for 2.99, plus $1 off coupon on one), and I grabbed some Axe liquid soap for Alex at 1.99 a bottle. The Harrisburg Target didn't have the big toy sale like the Selinsgrove one did last week (got some good xmas presents cheap!) but I did find a cool Batman gift bag -for the cheapies from Sels. and the rest of his gifts. the bag was only $1! :) Vincent is going to LOVE me!!! (more than he already does of course) ;)

We went to 3 different McDonalds to find those damn $1 coupon books and not one of them had them. . .now I love McD's new Mochas (that are not very good for me) but by the third one, we just drove through after we asked if they had any. No one seems to have heard of what I am talking about, but I know I heard it from a reliable source. . .so I think I am going to go visit McD' to see what I can find out about them.
I will also try to find the link that told me about them (that way my readers can save too - If i ever find them) and then figure out how to post it here! LOL Hey, I changed my background here. . .can't get rid of that silly orange banner at the top, but I gave up!! :)

Oh, yeah and Alex's hand is NOT broken!!! Woooohoooo! :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What am I doing?

Okay. . .so my new computer has me confused.
I can't figure out why the USB port only works some of the time? It's almost like it isn't even there! Where did it go? Well, we will save that gripe for another day! : /

I guess I am going to work on figuring out this site. I think the 'help' button is going to be my friend for a while!! I need to figure out how to get pictures on here, how to change this silly background, how to do a fancy sidebar, etc. It is all overwhelming at first, but heck, I can type my thoughts so I'm good for now! hehehe

I will definitely be entertaining, that's for sure! :) it wouldn't be me if I wasn't!
I will probably blog about all the free stuff I get. . . I love FREE! The best things in life are free! :)
I will also talk about my weight loss, the struggles, and the new site I am going to track stuff with. I am going to experiment with different sites to see which one I like best, but I have to get on that because right now I am being a slacker and decided that I NEED to track things such as food, exercise, and overall progress. Weight is a big struggle for me. . .even though I have been doing really well lately, I find that if I have goals, challenges, and a "report" deadline, I do much better than on my own.
Random stuff will be discussed as I wish!
Concerts, concerts, concerts! I love rock and roll. . .and R&R concerts!! this is my favorite thing to do (it even competes with free stuff! lol) and one of my dreams and goals in life is to meet Aerosmith.
I will try to keep my blog upbeat and positive, but let's face it. . .no matter how hard we try, we can't ALL ALWAYS be happy! So I will use this blog to vent from time to time (I won't get out of control, I promise) ;) but if it seems like I am always being a downer, I will take a break or need to be reminded by someone that my blog sux! LOL
Who knows what else will be here. . .I guess it will be whatever I want it to be. . .I mean afterall, this is MY blog! hahaha
I will also discuss my "discoveries" about myself. I guess that is really what this is all about. To try to make sense out of my random thinking. . .and turn it into self discovery. :)

And on that note. . .I am going to visit the help screen!! hehehe :)

My first blog

Okay. . .so I am here, finally figured it out (I think) and now I get to post all my crazy random thoughts for others to read. Still hoping the guys with the straight jackets don't come for me after they read some of the crazy stuff that goes on in my head (LOL)!!

I am probably going to blog about different stuff. . .whatever floats my boat for that day I guess. I shouldn't have any problems coming up with topics because apparently, I talk too much! (ha, me? Imagine that?) I really didn't realize how talkative I was until it was brought up to me several times by my new co-worker, then when I told my husband this news (because I was so shocked by it), he pretty much agreed and didn't really understand why I thought this was "news". . .then another (past) co-worker kind of confirmed it, and that is when the shocking reality hit me! Hmmmmm. . . I might just be able to ramble on for hours if I'm free to do so and wasn't stopped or interrupted by anyone. . .and I don't ever get tired of talking or rambling (obviously!) Another thing about my ramblings is that I use "LOL" and :) way too much. . .but I love smiley faces and collect them (or used to - sometimes enough is enough, and I have ENOUGH!) I love when people tell me "I saw a smiley face today and I thought of u" because they probably smiled at that sight/thought!! :) I like to be happy, and hate when this thing called life gets in the way of that! I believe that I have a great sense of humor and love people who can constantly make me laugh. . .which isn't really a hard task, cuz some say I laugh all the time. Well, there could be worse things, right? Talking and laughing. . .those are my things.

Since I am on a lunch break I will stop there and try to figure out the rest of this stuff on here. . . hopefully, I can post this without any issues.