Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I heart Rite Aid :)

Check it out! :)

This is what I did last Wednesday...
Paid $1.63 out of pocket!
Actual Value $66.09
This is what I did yesterday...

Paid $0.66 out of pocket!
Actual Value $61.02
Check out those cute boxers...V-day..they say "hot stuff" or something like that...but they were a pair of BOXERS for $2 (originally $7.99) so I snatched em up! lol

And today...I went back for more of the Johnson and Johnson deals. It was great!

My free stuff for today was: 3 boxes J&J Qtips, 2 J&J Baby Shampoos, 1 J&J Baby Wash, 1 Desitin. (lucky for me I know someone who is having a baby soon, so I am prepping for the baby shower gift) ;) I also bought 2 sm bags of Halls and 1 large bag of Halls for $$1.89!

I didn't want to buy them, I had to! :( Alex is sick and we were completely out of medicine can you believe that? So I had to spend money (oh no!) on some cold medicine. I don't keep a great stock pile of medicine because we don't get sick often and it usually expires...but I can guarantee that I will have something on hand from now on. I had to pay $5.49 for Rite Aid Brand Cold/Flu medicine (at least they were buy one get one free), and then I paid $3.99 (with only a $1 off coupon) for the smallest bottle of Tylenol. I can hardly believe that I ran out of Tylenol, of all things! and had to buy it at retail. *sigh*

only for my baby! :)

Lesson learned...stock up, even if it is going to expire...it really don't matter if it's free, right? :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Winner Winner! Chicken Dinner?

I hate that saying...lol but I am a winner...and it rhymed ;)
I just need to note some of things that I won in 2010...

I just recently started entering sweepstakes (within past year) and I found out that sometimes, it is really worth entering. You can't win if you don't enter is the truth, and afterall, you just have to spend some time entering, not money. So if you win, all the better! You know what I say, nothing better than free stuff! Especially when it's good stuff! :)

One of the biggest prizes I won last year (or ever!) was a Fantasy Football Pack and $250! I was shocked when the check came in the mail, in a box with a bunch of other cool stuff.
but because I never win anything, I examined it thoroughly, thinking "what's the catch?" lol I made sure there was no "non-negotiable" printed on the check or fine print saying "when you sign here, you bascially sign your life away and your soul is ours for eternity or you get our stupid product worth nothing but we will bother you forever and ever"
I must have stared/examined that check for at least a half hour! I couldn't believe it!
Just a letter saying I won, enjoy! a big fat check :) and some bottle openers and can coolers...It was wonderful!! :) It was the best prize I won so far!

Some other things here and there
a stuffed plush whale
tons of BuyOneGetOneFree Sobe coupons (which meant free Sobe when they were on sale!)
6 Coupons for Free Toaster Strudels
Coke Reward Points
Free Music
3 Margarita Balls (woohoo!) lol
free game plays
free pogo membership
free tshirt
a zumba book/cd
A breast cancer awareness back pack filled with notecards, pins, info. etc.

thats off the top of my head...I will add to the list as I remember or think of more stuff.

So far this year, the first thing I have won was a free 12 pack of coke.
I haven't been entering as much because of time constraints, but I try to enter something (at least once) every Saturday

A few things I would like to win ;)
A trip...anywhere really, but to disney would be awesome!
A vehicle
Money...anytime! ;)
an Xbox (for my baby) or Wii (for me) lol
and finally TICKETS!!!

there you have it...you'll be the first to know if anything that awesome happens...off to enter ;)

Fun @ Rite Aid :)

so much for weekly...

I could talk about all this snow...and how I stayed home today and didn't really have to, because everything was cleared by 10am ... and now another storm is coming tonight, but it's not snow ... its ICE!
:( Blech!

I haven't posted a good deal in a while so I will share today's deal...cuz it's kind of funny too...deal first, then funny part! ;)

I got all this stuff and made a $4 profit at RiteAid :)
$65.44 worth of stuff, retail value ($41.35 sale price)
I used 38.48 in coupons (& rollover UP rewards)
I had $2 UP rewards when I went in.
I paid $3.02 total cash out of my pocket! :)
I walked out with $9 UP Rewards for next time!

Here's the Funny Part:
Hubs and 15 yr old son were with me...
I'm focused on my deals and my coupons...
and am wandering around the store...son is randomly following me around...
follows me right to the condom/K-Y section..and immediately walks away with red cheeks...lol

I proceed to check out the deals...ya know...
right in front of the pharmacy area, where theres a uhm PHARMACIST (not my pharmacist lol) like a foot above you (yes, a raised pharmacist, so they can watch over you when you buy the "fun" stuff haha)

I found some KY brand stuff for 4.99, buy one get one half off - cheapest stuff they had, man this stuff is EXPENSIVE...but i had coupons ;) and could make a profit on the deal, so I grabbed two and put them in the cart.
..and apparentlya little while after that, when I was back to focusing on deals...
hubs and son were having their own little party. Son pointed out what was in my cart, and he was giggling and laughing...and as I went to check out...apparently another customer was at the next register with a "huge" box of condoms (according to my son, who so graciously informed me of this after the fact...in the truck on the way home...thank God!)

Can you imagine what the scene was like?
my kid is laughing his butt off thinking this is one of the greatest, funniest and most embarrissing moment of his life...and dad is cracking jokes cuz he is thinking hes gettin lucky? hahaha....not likely lol :)

During the conversation in the truck I explained to my son that the reason I bought the stuff was because of the profit...
His response was "riiiiiiight!!" *rolls eyes & plugs ears*
LOL ;)